was the first wife of Robert Henry Ledbetter. Manervia was preceeded in death by
both her sons. She and the oldest son John died during a time when
Robert Henry, was away from home serving his country in the Civil War.
The reason I believe this to be her bible.
There is a page here with Manervia and what appears to be her siblings and is her two children.
Also a reference to persons which might have been her mothers family.
I state here her mothers family, because the first two entries are the only
two names which I have no other records of.
View the below page one Bible-page1
- John F. Hamm, born March 9 18*5,
- Polly Ann Hamm, born October 23, 1810
NOTE: this Hamm name is the best I can come up with from this old record
I could be wrong in reading this.
Then we see:
- James Allen Boyd, born May, 1836
- Maneriva A. Boyd, born April 1838
- Manervia's Headstone
- William H. Boyd, born March 26, 1840
- Robert L. Boyd, born April 1842
- John H. Ledbetter, born September 1856
- John's
- James W.A. Ledbetter, born December 25, 1858
- James
View the below page two Bible-page2
- Henry T.B. Ledbetter, departed this life December 16, 1866
- Rebecca Jane Ledbetter, departed this life May 18, 1885
- Rebecca's Headstone - shares with Robert Henry -
- Baby born dead, May 11, 1885
- George A. Ledbetter, departed this life March 1899
- everything else on this page is ink bleeding through from another page.
NOTE: This page two, has the family of Robert Henry Ledbetters, second
wife and children. Entered in this same bible by a person who was not the
recorder of the first page of this bible. ALSO NOTE: That the death date of REBECCA JANE
is not in keeping with the death date of all other records
and that which Sally Ramsey found on Rebecca's headstone
That date is February 14, 1862
View the below page three Bible-page3
- Polly Ann Boyd, died February 1848
- NOTE: this Polly Ann Boyd, I belived to be
- the same person as the Polly Ann ? on Page one of this Bible.
- With this information I am of the opinion that this is the mother of Maneriva
- William H Boyd, died March 02, 1835
- Dead Baby, born Jan 1848
- James Allen Boyd, died June 17 1849
- Matildia Jane Boyd, died August 24 1849
- John H. Ledbetter, died February 05 1862
- James W.F. Ledbetter, died February 14, 1859
View the below Bible Page Four:
- Henry T. B. Ledbetter, born February 18, 1864
- ? Jane Ledbetter, born March 25, 1867
- Ann Ledbetter, born July ?, ????
- Ollie F. Ledbetter, born July 2?,????
- Richard M. Ledbetter, born February 6, 1873
- This is the child I believe to have been my grandfathers twin
View the below Bible Page Five:
- William Robert L. Ledbetter, born February 6, 1873
- Alexander Ledbetter, born Agust 16, 1874
- Stephen Allen Ledbetter, born August 28, 1877
- George A. Ledbetter, born March 1879
- Florence B. Ledbetter, born February 22, 1882
View the below Bible Page Six:
- Robert Luke Ledbetter and Mary C. Thaxton
- was married October 17, 1897
- Mary C. Ledbetter, born March 24, 1876
- William R.L. Ledbetter, born February 6, 1873
- Mary B. Ledbetter, born October 21, 1900
- Ernest Z. Ledbetter, born August 20, 1907
- Lydia Burpie Ledbetter, born October 15, 1909
Credits for the work placed here goes to
- Robert Luke Ledbetter
- Robert Luke (grandpa) preserved this bible
- placed it in the hands of a grandchild who he felt would
- care for it and share with the family when needed.
- Agatha Sedrick, Lewis
- Agatha, took care of this bible since she was a child
- and when ask for the information made copies and shared
- with the family, at her own expense.
- Sally Ramsey;
- Sally searched the county for the gravesites,
- cleaned up the sites and stones to get these photos.
- Mary Agnes Ledbetter, Hudson
- I transcribed and placed this informtion here to share with my
- family and other researchers. I will always accept others opinions
- although I argue a lot :=)