Redesigned Beanies!
On this page you'll find information about different beanie babies which have been redesigned or had a name change. The most recent changes will be at the top, with the rest following in alphabetical order.
To save loading time, I haven't included all the pictures on this page. To see a picture of a particular beanie, just click on that beanie's name. There are some beanies that I don't have pictures of. If you have pictures of beanies on your page that I can use of the beanies I don't have pictured here, please
e-mail me. I will give full credit for the picture to your page, as well as adding a link to your page.The most recent Derby had a coarse, dark brown mane (see below for details) and a lighter brown body. The new Derby, which was introduced in 1998, has a white star on his head.
Mystic went from having a yellow horn to having a horn made of the same material as Magic's wings, with pink stitching on it. The newest version Mystic was introduced in mid-1997.
Brownie the Brown Bear was introduced in 1993. He looks exactly the same as Cubbie except that his heart tag on his ear says Brownie. His name was changed to Cubbie in 1993 before the "Original Nine" were introduced. Bongo the Monkey originally looked exactly the same as the current Bongo, but later his tail was changed to the darker brown colour. As far as I know, his tail underwent this change more than once, but right now the most common, and the one currently in production, is the light tailed Bongo.Derby the Horse was introduced in 1995 with a fine mane. Later, in 1996, larger pieces of yarn were used for both the mane and the tail. I haven't seen either the fine-mane Derby or the fine-mane Mystic, but I've been told that the best way to tell which one you have is by counting the strands in the tail. There will be about 20 strands in a fine mane Derby and approximately 8 strands in the current Derby.
When Digger the Crab was introduced in mid-1994 he was orange, but he was changed to
red in mid-1995. Digger was retired in May 1997. Doodle the Rooster was introduced in May 1997, but his name was soon changed to Strut because of a lawsuit filed against Ty for the usage of the name Doodle.Happy the Gray Hippo was introduced in mid-1994. He underwent a colour change from gray to lavender in mid-1995.
Inch the Inchworm was introduced in 1996 with a felt antennae. Later in the same year his felt antennae was replaced with a yarn antennae.
Inky the Octopus was introduced in mid-1994. He was tan in colour and had no mouth. Later a mouth was added, and in mid-1995 he was changed to his current pink colour.
Lucky the Ladybug was first introduced in mid-1994 with 7 glued-on felt dots. These original ones are very hard to find in mint condition, as most of the dots of fallen off from children playing with them, the glue getting brittle, or just plain bad handling. In 1996, Lucky with 11 dots was introduced. These dots were part of the fabric (not glued on). A few months later, Lucky with 21 dots was introduced. The current version that is being produced is Lucky with 11 dots.
I don't have a lot of information about Magic the Dragon with the hot pink stitching. I do know that the one with the light pink stitching was introduced in 1995, and in 1996 the stitching was hot pink. Right now the most common is Magic with light pink stitching. The best way to tell the difference (if you don't have two to compare to each other) is that the stitching on the hot pink Magic's wings is much darker than the stitching on his nose. Also, every hot pink Magic I've known about has the swing tag on his ear, while the light pink ones have the swing tag on his wing. I've never seen one, but I've been told that some of the Magic's with hot pink stitching do have the tags on their wings. Magic was retired in January 1998.
Mystic the Unicorn was introduced in mid-1994 with a fine mane, which was later changed in 1996 to the current coarse mane Mystic. See Fine Mane Derby for more information.
Nana the Monkey was introduced in 1995 and looked exactly the same as Bongo does now, except he was called Nana. He had the tan, not the dark, tail. His name was changed that same year to Bongo.
Nip was introduced in 1995 and had a white belly and triangular shape on his face, pink ears, and gold paws. In mid-1995 his head was made smaller, the width of his body was thinner. He had pink ears, while his body and head were gold. The current version, which was introduced at the end of 1995, has white paws, ears, and whiskers.
Patti the Platypus was introduced in 1993 and was a deep fuchsia colour. In 1994 he was changed to a raspberry colour, and in 1995 he was changed again to a magenta colour. The current Patti is a fuchsia colour (the same colour as the end of Inch's tail).
Peanut the Elephant was introduced in mid-1995 and was a royal blue colour. Rumour is that he was supposed to be light blue, but due to a communication error was produced as the dark blue colour. It is said that the dark blue Peanut is the most valuable Beanie Baby there is. The mistake was discovered and corrected in 1996.
Punchers the Lobster was introduced in 1993. In 1994, he was renamed Pinchers and underwent some slight design changes. The 2 center tail segments were closer together, to make the outside tail segments larger.
Quackers the Duck was introduced in mid-1994 with no wings, and he had a tendency to fall to the side, or his bill would droop into his chest. In 1995 wings were added for stability and balance.
Sly the Fox was introduced in mid-1996 with a brown belly. Later the same year he was redesigned and the current Sly now has a white belly.
Spook the Ghost was introduced in 1995. He was designed by Jenna Boldebuck. In 1996 his name was changed to Spooky. Spooky was retired in January 1998.Spot the Dog was introduced in 1993 with no spot. Later in 1994 a black spot was added to his back. Spot was retired in October 1997.
Tank the Armadillo was introduced in 1996 with 7 lines of stitching and no shell. In mid-1996 he was a shade lighter in colour and now had 9 lines. Later in 1996, an additional line was added horizontally on each side of the body to make a shell. He was more realistic, with ears at the top of his head, and 2 inches shorter than the earlier versions. This Tank was also produced with 7 lines of stitching. Tank was retired in October 1997.
Tobasco the Bull was introduced in mid-1995. Unlike Snort, he has red paws. Rumour is that he retired because of a lawsuit filed against Ty by the company that owns the Tobasco Sauce name. He was retired in January 1997 and was replaced with Snort, who has cream-coloured paws.Zip the Cat went through the same changes as Nip, except that he is black instead of gold.
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