Beanie Babies on the WWW!

Hi! Welcome to my page. You'll find lots of information about beanie collecting, including tips for new collectors, information on cleaning Beanie Babies®, links to other great beanie pages, and lots more! This site is an unofficial Beanie Babies® site, not related to or sponsored by Ty Inc.

I'm hoping to get the page completely finished in the summer, this includes adding a list of stores carrying beanies around United States, Canada, and across seas, as well as finishing the poems and b-days for beanies! However I won't be able to put it up until I get enough places. If you know of a place in your area, please e-mail me and tell me the name of this store, your city and state/province, and also, if you know it, the address of the store.

I finally have every current beanie there is, except Britannia, so now I would like to buy your retireds! I need all May retireds except Grunt, Sparky and Garcia, all January retireds except Libearty, Lefty, Righty, Chops, and Tusk, and all older retireds except OF Zip. I will buy or trade. For more info, send a list of beanies you have, what you would trade/sell them for, and their condition. I will accept beanies in any condition, including with no tush tags or swing tags, gently loved, etc.

My 10 year old sisters love to play with beanies! If you have any beanies (current or retired) for sale in any condition (dirty, no tags, etc.), my sisters would love to buy them. They only get $2.50 allowance each a week, so they would prefer if it was around that much! They just play with them, and they love them a lot!

Here's a story I'd like to share, about getting hard-to-find beanies! The other day I walked into my regular beanie store, and picked out some beanies for a friend of mine. He got them down, then went into the back and came back with Erin. He showed her to me, and I thought she was beautiful, but I didn't think there was a chance for me to get her! I live in Canada and supposedly she is an American exclusive. He had told me before that he had managed to get one, so I assumed that she was his. However, to my surprise and delight, he told me that Ty had shipped some of the bears to him and he had saved one for me! So now I have Erin at regular price, and if you're patient, you could too! He's not an American exclusive, all the stores here are going to start to get him.

Want to go to other parts of my page? Click on the link that interests you below!

More Beanie Stuff!. Need to know how to clean that beanie? Can't think of a way to display them? This page includes those plus much more to keep your beanie safe and clean for as long as possible. It also talks about tag protectors and will soon have lists of great beanie accessories! It's still under construction, please check back soon!

Best Beanie Baby Bookstore!. The best books available about Beanie Babies and the collectibles market in general are for sale here! Also includes books about Teddy Bears, ways to care for and clean plush toys (including Beanies), and more! Beanie Babies on the WWW! is an associate of Books are available at up to 30% off!

Vote for a new beanie!. I am trying to get a new beanie made by Ty. To get more information, go to this site. I also have a guestbook on this page so that you can submit your votes and comments on the guestbook. (I have more votes than are shown on the page, but I can only show 75 at a time.)

Rumours, News, and Information!. A list of May new releases! What's really going on with Maple, Princess, and Peace? Are there 2 different Gobbles? Wondering about retired and new beanies? Have a tid-bit you'd like to share? I have been very busy and this hasn't been updated in a while, sorry!

Beanies for Sale or Auction!. There won't always be any beanies here, but whenever I decide to auction off or sell a beanie I will put it up here first.

Beanie stores in your area. I finally have this page up and running! There aren't a lot of stores yet, but you can help me out by sending in any stores near you. If you don't see your store but you know you've sent it in, please be patient. I'm working on putting up all the stores I have received!

Beanie Poems and Birth Dates - Chronological. This is a list of all the beanie babies and their birthdays and poems in chronological order, so you can easily find beanies born on your birthday.

Beanie Poems and Birth Dates - Alphabetical. This is a list of all the beanie babies and their birthdays and poems in alphabetical order, so you can easily find beanies' poems if you're missing a swing tag. Or if you don't have the beanie and are just curious about it's poem!

Redesigned and Renamed Beanies!. Information about beanies like orange Digger, tie-dyed Lizzy, new Mystic and Derby, and most of the other beanies which went through a production change! Pics too!

Winner!. Announcing the winner of my Princess Beanie Baby Giveaway!

Other great beanie links. Here's my list of beanie links I've been to and enjoyed. These include links to good and bad traders lists, as well as pages with information about safe trading on the Internet.

Do you have any questions or comments about my page? Would you like to submit a store for my list? Are you looking for any beanies (I only have currents, no bears right now), or have any retireds to sell? Have a rumour to submit? Please e-mail me!

You are the person to visit my site since April 16, 1998!

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