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"Everybody Wants to Rule the World"

Cat Walk
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Well, hello there! You asked to see pictures of my Mom. Are you sure you want to continue? Well, if so, welcome and have fun. See how many different hairdos my Mom has had!
Mom and Dad
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This is me my red bike when I was really little. I wore out the tires! You wouldn't know it from this picture, but I was really a happy kid! It must have been a bad day.
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Mom, Dad, Ronnie (brother), and Me (5 yrs. old) in Canada on vacation. I guess funky hats were in then, huh? If you look closely, you will see that I'm wearing a beaded necklace and bracelet. I guess I've always loved jewelry.
Tweety Bird
1000 Islands
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My First Pet.
This is a picture of me and Curley. He was our first dog - a Cockapoo. He was a great dog and very smart. I believe I was in 3rd grade when this was taken by my brother. The photo is in pretty bad shape. I'm surprised I could scan it in at all. I can remember this picture being taken! Approximately three years later when everyone let their dogs out to play and do their business ... just before Christmas, my brother & I let Curley out to do his business. He never came back. My parents were at a party that night. The next morning (Saturday), my Mom went to work and my Dad, my Brother, and I got in the old station wagon to go looking for our dog. We went to Drury Lane where there were a lot of farms and ponds. It had snowed & it was very cold. We stopped two kids walking down the road to ask if they saw a little curley black dog. They said, "I hate to tell you this mister, but there's a dead dog on the side of the road back there". We drove down to see Curley on the side of the road. I was told to stay in the car. I looked out of the back window sobbing and watched as my brother carried Curley into a field. He said he buried him under the snow but left his nose out in case he was still breathing. He was frozen. My Dad later went back to bury him in our back yard. I gave him one of my doll's blankets & a pillow. It was the sadest Christmas I ever had. It was the first time I saw my Dad cry.
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This is a picture of me that was taken by a photographer who was a teacher at my school. He asked if he could photograph me. I was in Jr. High School at the time. I went to his home for a photo session. He took a lot of pictures. His wife was home at the time. I was glad about that!
Jr. High School
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I was the President of the Freshman Class. Unfortunately, my eyes are closed here.
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I was the co-captain of the Twirlers in my Freshman year. I quit this when I made the Cheerleading squad in my Sophomore year. The other co-captain left the school district because she didn't make it in Cheerleading. She said she would. I couldn't believe that she really did it.
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I'll never know how I pulled this one off. I was only a Sophomore and running against Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and some really pretty girls. Anyway, I was voted the first Homecoming Queen at my High School.
Homecoming Queen
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One of my Cheerleading pictures from a yearbook. I think I was a Junior in this one.
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This is a picture of me that was taken by a newspaper photographer one Easter Sunday back when I was a Senior in High School.
High School
High School
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This is a photo of my Mom and Dad taken when I was in High School. It was taken at Lake Dunmore, Vermont. We went there on Summer vacation nearly every year.
Mom and Dad
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This is my brother, Ron. This is a fairly recent snapshot from the Newspaper for when he became an Assistant Superintendant. Prior to that he was a Superintendant for several years in another school district.
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All Rights Reserved (Last updated 01.24.00) small cowboy boot