With Children
You Suddenly Realize You Are Blessed With Children When...
She discovers
the fascination of flushing the toilet and you realize too late that really was a pencil she was holding.
While traveling
across country you stop at a very busy truck stop for dinner and she keeps yelling "look at all those trucks mommy" but her T's come out as F's.
He comes home all
excited because he just traded his brand new bicycle for some really cool
baseball cards.
While having an intimate moment
alone with your husband you look up to see your child staring at
you because they need a drink of water.
Your daughter decides
she wants to keep the finger nail polish bottle but not the polish so she
washes it out in the bathtub.
Your daughter wakes up
extra early and amuses herself with the "balls" in the refrigerator and you wake up and find a dozen eggs cracked open on the kitchen floor.
You son discovers
the brand new lipstick you just bought makes a perfect substitute for a
red crayon.
You just get done taking a drink of
your iced tea and suddenly it dawns on you where your 2 year old got the
ice cube from... and they have a finger up their nose.
You go to church right
after Christmas and someone asks your sweet daughter what they got for
Christmas and she shows them... One of the gifts was new pretty panties.
Your son decides chocolate pudding
makes great finger paint... On his bedroom wall.
You wake up at 3:00am
and can't go back to sleep so you decide to get up and you trip over 2
pairs of roller blades, 1 Teddy Bear, and just when you think it is safe,
a backpack jumps out in front of you.
All the little episodes you see above were actual occurrences in my quest to raise children. Has anyone else out there suddenly realized they too were
Blessed... With Children?
Because these nice
people sent me these responses:
When you discover your three year old daughter happily "helping" your
nervous female German Shepard to have puppies while you stare horrified
as daughter holds a "new born" up for you to admire.
When your five year old "tom-boy" daughter approaches female visitors
while cupping grubby hands and saying..."Hold out your hands,
I've got a surprise present for you!"
When you discover your nine year old daughter crouched in her bedroom
with string extended through the window and you find that string has
been attached to a bird cage door so she can trap squirrels and wild
birds. Later when she succeeds in trapping a blue jay, she becomes
indignant when told she can't keep it
When your 12 year old daughter wants to turn part of her room into a
residence complete with tree limb for two founding squirrels she has
fed since she "found" them after they fell from a live oak tree.
-stormey :-)
You discover
a snake has made it into your home so you quickly begin the job of eradicating
it because you just know your young daughter will be terrified, and when
you have almost completed the job she wakes up and says, "Daddy, can we
keep it?".
-Jim King-
You finally splurge and buy yourself
a brand new comforter that you have been dying to get only to discover
your three year old sitting on your bed, very quietly, painting her
nails with a full bottle of Avon's very berry wine nail polish.
-J. Fazzone-
You try to explain to
your one year old that 4:30am is not a good time to play and mommy really
needs some sleep... and she just giggles at you. -Sunshine-
You've just woke up, (your eyes
aren't even open yet) and your two year old son says, "Mommy you don't
have a penis, WHY?" And he wants an answer right now. **This a direct
quote from my youngest,who is now 13 and who I hope has figured out the
answer for himself.
When your neighbor screams
at her child,"SHUT UP", and your 4 yr old daughter tells her "My Mommie
says 'shut up' is a rude word".
-Mitzi Spencer-
When my 2 year old daughter one day
in a crowd decided to ask: "Mommy, how come Jami and Daddy have a tail
and we don't? "She is now 28 and I am sure that she has figured it
out by now.
-Joanie Stucky-
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If you too feel like you are
Blessed... With Children.....
Then E-Mail me Please........ Besides, I just LOVEto get mail
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**This Page was created by Tarina Adkins
A sometimes "confused and exasperated" mother of three