My sister is pretty computer-savy and collects computer figures and knick-knacks for a hobby. She has a great computer room/office and has them all around her desk. Since she lives in one state and I live in another, we don't get together as often as we'd like. I wanted to make a room box for her and I wanted it to be special. So I got this brainstorm to make a room box of her computer room. It was only natural that I do her room box inside a computer monitor. During one visit, I planned to take pictures of her computer room but didn't get around to it until just before I left. Her room is usually neat as a pin but we were scrapbooking the night before and sort of trashed the room, but I needed the pictures to make up a storyboard to use when I started building her room. So I grabbed the digital camera and ran back to the room to take the pics. Here's the storyboard that I made up for reference while I was building the room:

I was able to get a monitor at work that was being thrown out because it was broken and was too old to be fixed. Now it was time to gut it:

Now let's get to work!!

By the way, the background for this page is actually made from the storyboard. The picture was brought in to Paint Shop Pro and a Kaleidoscope filter was applied and manipulated until I liked the effect. Neat, huh?