It was my good fortune this year to meet someone who enjoys the Faire and who asked me to go with her to the Renaissance Festival in Tuxedo, New York. Once she did that, it wasn't hard to twist my arm and convince me to dress up as they did in medieval times. I decided on a wench outfit and made my own costume. Not surprisingly, I had a wonderful time. Now, as the fairies oversee you, enjoy a bit of Celtic music, and join me as I share a few moments from our day.
At the entrance to the Faire you will meet Little John and some of Robin Hood's merry (wo)men.
Before the gates officially open for the day, you will also meet the Sheriff of Nottingham, the Queen and the Bishop among others.
Once inside the gates, there are vendors galore and more food than you can eat. Should you have a need for mead - your thirst will be quenched.
Fear not the mighty dragon for there is a dragon tamer in the realm who hangs them from the points of her hat. If you choose to hold the dragon, you will be bestowed with a medal of gold to place upon your breast that all who see you will know of your bravery.
While walking along, approach this kind gentleman who will be glad to take your coin and give you a try at hitting a target that will ensure your ability to "drench a wench." (Of course, if it's hot out, she might be glad to get wet!)
You must make a stop at the human chess game where the common meets the nobility in a game to the death. After the game, take a walk through the forest towards the joust and you may chance upon a group of dancers, amongst whom you may find the Queen and the Bishop. Before the joust begins, you are most likely to see a procession of royalty and their court who are also arriving to attend the event.
After wandering the realm, feasting, and filling the need for mead, it's time to rest under the trees. Sir Hack the Headhunter, Mistress Lynne the Wench, and Sir Thomas stop for a moment to pose. Afterwards, Mistress Lynne and I pose while resting on a sitting stone.
In the present Year of the Goddess, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight, the Faire does call us again. Mistress Lynne has gathered her wishing stones to give to the children that they may place them under their pillows, with a warning to be careful of what they wish for. I shall dress in the colors of the royal that all will know of my nobility....and speak not softly but cry aloud "Hail Francis" for he is now unemployed!
The animated fairies on this page are from The Art of the Celtic Fae. The image on the left border is an edited version of the White Rock Fairy from works of art by Charles Faris. The model is Vanessa Banuelos.