Jim AKA: DOH_BlackCloud - 03/19/00 18:55:57
My URL:http://fly.to/doh_fa
My Email:jimrupersburg@netscape.net
Hi Jean, I just wanted to compare load times for your web site from dad's last night and mine. This was the first time visiting this site from my pc to, so I didn't have stored info.Mine was at least half. I really think he has modem or line difficulty. Anyway have a wonderful day!
Hammer - 11/24/99 02:15:56
Very nice web page!!!
And I love your art
get well soon :)
Tell Frankie Hi :)
lisa kohart - 06/21/99 03:04:33
My Email:glenn.kohart2 @gte.net
Riding interests: western
Horses owned: reg. morgan mare
Horses for sale: none
Horses wanted: none
Hobbies: breyers, hartlands models
Nancy Wolfe - 02/08/99 22:22:03
My Email:hillside@avci.net
Riding interests: pleasure
Horses owned: 2 horses,4 ponys
Horses for sale: 2 ponys
Horses wanted: none
Hobbies: driving and riding
Favorite Stallion: Hillside Stoney Ash
we liked your page
Margaret Tasset - 12/11/98 07:07:59
My Email:margaret@dockingbay.com
Hobbies: Tennis, bridge, playing with grand-daughter
This is a fabulous site. I really enjoyed visiting it. CONGRATULATIONS on this lovely site.
Terri & Richard Mousigian - 12/07/98 14:37:15
My Email:rtmoose@netscape.net
Riding interests: just for fun
Hi Jeannie,we thought we'd stop by to see your page,beautiful!!!!
Jim Rupersburg - 11/14/98 14:17:45
My Email:JImRupersburg@netscape.net
Riding interests: Very NIce web page!!!
Horses owned: I Have Kids
Susan Haupt - 11/05/98 14:42:17
My URL:http://boobala@earthlink.net
Abcolutely awesome sight, Jeannie!
Proud Father, Oskar
Alan - 10/30/98 20:29:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/frenchglen
My Email:afr3003426@aol.com
Riding interests: Trail Show
Hobbies: Horses Fishing
Great pages
Jenny Hagmann - 10/13/98 18:30:21
My Email:windrose.hagmann@ns.sympatico.ca
Riding interests: Dressage, Western, Hunt, Saddle Seat, Driving, Trail riding
Horses owned: 8 Morgan horses
Horses wanted: Looking for a versatile stallion with good temper.
Hobbies: my horses!!!
Favorite Stallion: UVM Promis & Birchgrove Comet
I really enjoyed your web site. Your stallion is very nice. I think his daughter looks sweet. Might be visiting Michigan in the near future, if possible, I 'd love to come and see your horses.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Kathy Painter - 10/10/98 22:32:42
My Email:kathypainter@hotmail.com
Riding interests: dressage, pleasure
Horses owned: Morgan mare
Horses for sale: N/A
Horses wanted: May breed my mare some day
Hobbies: horseback riding, photography
I saw your ad in Proffitt's Classifieds on the web. Thought I'd stop by and browse. Always fun to visit with other Morgan owners. Nice site!
10/04/98 11:20:00
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Heaven's Seventh Acre - 09/21/98 10:26:12
My URL:http://members.aol.com/HVNS7TH/heavens.html
My Email:HVNS7TH@aol.com
Riding interests: Hunter/Jumpers, Trail riding (of course), & Team Penning!
Horses owned: Way TOO MANY!
Horses for sale: Several!
Horses wanted: Maybe? What Have you?
Hobbies: horses, Professional Manure Mover
Favorite Stallion: Yours is GORGEOUS!
Love your Stallion! Your new mare is beautiful too!
Yvonne Raines - 07/28/98 05:42:48
My Email:Windridermorgans@prodigy.net
Riding interests: All
Horses owned: 16
Horses for sale: Yes
Hobbies: Horses
Favorite Stallion: Bery Banke Carlyle [ours]
The Lord gave us all talents . I guess mine is being able to enjoy your beautiful art work. Thanks, Yvonne
Susan Hanley - 06/04/98 21:39:55
Hi Jeannie, I finally got a moment to check back on your web site. You have done a lot with it! I particulary enjoyed your paintings.
What a sweetheart that Forrest is! He is like a charming toy baby horse. I love the photo of Jazz and Hollyhawk.