"Our Lady of Fatima"
Between April and November 1917 Mary appeared 6 times
to 3 Portugese children: 9 year-old Lucia dos Santos,
8 year-old Francisco and 6 year-old Jacinto Marto.
The apparitions took place in a sheep pasture, called
Cova da Iria, near the village of Fatima, which lies
70 miles north of Lisbon, Portugal. To them Mary revealed herself as "Our Lady of the Rosary"
and through them she made an appeal for devotion to
her Immaculate Heart as the way to win world peace
and the conversion of Russia. She also stressed the
need for additional prayer and penance, especially
on the first Saturday of every month, when they were
to receive Holy Communion in reparation for the sins
of the world.
"The Family that prays together stays together."
"Whatever you ask throught the Holy Rosary will be granted."
(Promise of Our Bl. Lady to St. Dominic)
Through the Holy Rosary we obtain our Heavenly Mother's Protection
here and now, and especially
at the hour of our death.
"We can't forget that Mary spent nearly everyday
of her life just like millions of other women who look after their family,
bring up their children, and take care of the house.
Mary sanctifies the ordinary everyday things ... everyday work,
looking after those closest to you, visits to friends and relatives.
What a blessed ordinariness, that can be so full of love of God."
(Josemaria Escriva - Christ is Passing By, 148)
At the Anunciation Mary said "I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done to me." (Luke 1:37)
"In the light of Mary,
the Church sees in the face of women the reflection
of a beauty which mirrors the loftiest sentiments of which the human heart
is capable:... limitless fidelity and tireless devotion to work; the ability
to combine penetrating intuition with words of support and encouragement."
(John Paul II Redemptoris Mater, Sec.46.)
The Woman whom even God dreamed of
before the world was made; The Woman
of whom I was born at cost of pain
and labor at a Cross;
The Woman who, though no priest,
Could yet on Calvary's Hill breathe,
"This is my Body; This is my Blood"-
For none save her gave Him human life.
The Woman who guides my pen,
Which falters so with words
In telling of the Word
The Woman who, in a world of Reds.
Shows for the the Blue of hope.
Accept these dried grapes of thoughts
From this poor author, who has no wine
And with Cana's magic and thy Son's Power
Work a miracle and save a soul --
Forgetting not my own.
.....from Archbishop Fulton J Sheen's book, The World's First Love
Pray for us O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
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