18 lbs, 11 ounces; 27 1/2 inches short!
Fabulous Dahhhlink!

I had my birthday Feb 1, 1999! My birthday party was on Jan. 31 and I had so much fun! We had people in and out all day, so I got three cupcakes and I LOVED making a mess. By the third one I was a pro and had cake and frosting in my hair, ears, and nose! It also found it's way down my legs and even on my back!

  I am doing so much now! I've been walking for about a month, so 
mommy has been on her feet ever since! I love running from her when we 
play! I talk alot, too. Nana says I got that from mommy but mom says it 
couldn't *possibly* be from her! ;o) I can say all kinds of words, and 
here are some: light, good, bite (and no bite), okay, cat, dog, mama & 
dad of course!, & wussat? are just a few. I don't say all of these 
all the time, though. And there are some words I've said once and that 
was all (like duck, bat , etc). I guess I do talk alot for my age 
but that's probably cuz my mom never shuts up and only doesn't talk to 
me if I'm sleeping!

  I love all kinds of food and am starting to use a spoon a tiny bit. I'm 
also using a cup lots more, but I'm having a little trouble with it. Mom 
says that's ok, and I'll learn someday. And until I do she just gives 
me drinks when I'm thirsty. I now have twelve teeth to help me chew! 
And I also have my "fangs" that have been trying so hard to come in.

   Well, that is all the updates for now. My mommy will update again when
I have my 15 month appt in May! (But she is always putting new pics 
up, so check back whenever you can!!)

Click HERE for my Easter pictures!!
One year pics!!!
Birthday party pics!!!
Birth Story

This is me laughing cuz mommy was tickling me!

Newborn pics (these are too big to see real well, but mom will get them fixed soon!)


Here are some pics we got taken at Sears. I am three months old in them and have definitely filled out! Mommy just loves my chubby little cheeks! :o)

Minnie BG Lacy BG With Pooh Bear! With a bunny... Ivy & Column BG ABC blocks...

Click here for my first Easter pictures!
Such a cutie

And another one!

5 month pics
6 month pics
8-9 month pics

Christmas pics
Click here to see my growth chart and accomplishments!

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We won an award! Thanks ladies!!!
Thank you Adrianna!!!

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