This web site is under MAJOR construction right now, so please bear with me!

    Thank you for stopping by our home on the web! I hope you enjoy your stay, and have fun learning about our family.

My name is Crystal, my husband is Chris, and our daughter is Shaylee Alayne (pronounced kinda like Elaine!). We have been married since May 23, 1996, and our daughter was born Feb. 1, 1998. We live in a teeny town in Western Washington.

About Chris
 Chris works in a veneer mill, called Pacific Veneer Ltd, which is a non-union division of Weyerhaeuser. He was hired to work as a puller on the green chain, but has many different jobs now. He mostly works on the stacker and drives a 950. He is on the Safety Commitee, does safety audits in mills around Washington, and is a mentor for new hires.

 He *loves* playing golf, and a few years ago got a hole in one! He got certificates, and even got his name in a magazine! I'll put up a copy of it someday LOL. He works very long hours, so doesn't have much time for anything but work and sleep though :o(

About Crystal
 I am a stay at home mom, which I am finding gets more difficult as my daughter gets older!! The hardest parts are finding things to do all day with her. Shaylee gets bored easily. She also has a hard time with her emotions, so mostly screams when she gets upset. I'd love to be a child and scream whenever I felt like it ;o)

 In my free time I mostly enjoy scrapbooking. I'll put up pics of my layouts someday, too! I do have one down below though. I also like generally surfing the web and learning as much as I can. Of course, most things I read up on are child related! I don't have much free time either though, so scrapbooking and surfing are limited. In fact, I'm only updating this because Shaylee is in bed! :o)

About Shaylee
 Shaylee, as I stated above, was born on Feb 1, 1998. As of now, she is almost 19 months old, and is what would be considered a "spirited, high needs child". She is on the go constantly, eager to learn, and very emotional. It's a challenge but I wouldn't change it. She keeps me on my toes and definitely makes my days interesting! :o) To learn more about her, please visit Shaylee's Page

***A very special thanks to Christine Barnes, who has helped me tremendously with this page! Go take a peek at her cutie Zander!!***

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