to the

Home is where the Zoo is

Web Ring!

Do you have a zoo in your home? If so we'd like you to join our web ring. Here is what you need to qualify for the "Home is where the Zoo is Web ring".

1. You have to have a web site that features your different animals . You can have other area's as well but it must have your animals.

2. Your site cannot contain ANY adult content. This is a kid friendly web ring.

3. Absolutely NO violence or abusive content towards animals!!!

4. You must have at least 3 different species of animals featured on your site. example dog, fish , cat is ok but having 10 dogs wouldn't qualify.

Ok , ok now let me in the ring already!

Step one click here and fill out the ring form.

Having said this here is what the Home is where the zoo is webring looks like. Please copy the two pics to your hard drive by right clicking then choosing Save as. Then upload them to your site when you've installed the codeing.

This Home is where the Zoo is! Webring site is owned by
Sheryl Wenger.

Want to join the
Home is where the Zoo is! webring?

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Your almost there now that you've copied the two pics to your hard drive. You can copy and paste the coding below to either your index page or your webring page. Change the ID#,Your Name , and Your e-mail address in the coding. Your ID# Will be e-mailed to you along with a copy of this coding. :^)

<P><!-- Webring code starts here--></P> <P><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH=500> <TR> <TH> <P><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="/Heartland/Pointe/3515/zoowebring.html" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="zooring.jpg" WIDTH=104 HEIGHT=111 BORDER=0 ALIGN=left> </A></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"> <A HREF="" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="zoonext.jpg" WIDTH=104 HEIGHT=111 BORDER=0 ALIGN=right></A></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1">This </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="/Heartland/Pointe/3515/zoowebring.html" TARGET="_top"> Home is where the Zoo is! Webring</A></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"> site is owned by<BR></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"> <A HREF="">Sheryl Wenger</A> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1">.<BR> <BR> Want to join the </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="/Heartland/Pointe/3515/zoowebring.html" TARGET="_top">Home is where the Zoo is! webring</A></FONT> <FONT SIZE="-1">?</FONT> </TH></TR> <TR> <TH> <P>[<A HREF=" bin/webring?ring=cougarzoo&id=1" TARGET="_top">Skip Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Next</A>] [<A HREF=" bin/webring?ring=cougarzoo&id=1&skip" TARGET="_top">Skip Next</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Random</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Next 5</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">List Sites</A>] </TH></TR> </TABLE></P> <P><!--Webring code ends here--></P>


Now bookmark this site so you can come back to make any changes. Once you have the coding in place on your site e-mail me(the web mistress) with your URL and site ID# that you recieved by e-mail. Saying you would like me to add you to the ring.

Don't forget to visit the critters and myself here at the farm before you leave! Click on a link below to check us out.:^)