Hi! Welcome to my introductory page. Ok let's face it
I'm terrible at this introducing myself stuff so bare with me ok?

Link to All around the farm.
As you can see this is me . I live on a 4.3 acre farm in Langley ,B.C. Canada . I'm just a wee bit of an animal nut ! I have the Zoo to prove it too :^). You can come on down and visit myself and the critters by clicking on the Picture!

Being a Geocities Community Leader:

When I first started my site at Geo it was to try and teach myself how to put up a web page for a friend who wanted to launch his home based business on the web .I knew squat about making a web site programing or any other related subject but non the less I was determined! I've learned everything I have threw searching around the web for info on how to do it . Now a year and a half latter my site is 27 pages and growing like wildfire! Guess you can say I got Hooked .It was only natural that I wanted to help and give back So I joint the CL program . I love helping people and being a CL also helps me stay on top of things by searching out the answers to steaders problems I may not know yet. So it's a win - win situation all around ! :^) In fact I've become so intreged with web site design that I am now working on improving myself to the point of it become a full time home based career! This will take a while but I'll get there. :^)

Things I'm good at:

I'm constantly looking for new ways to improve myself in the world of web site design. I have recently completed an advanced HTML course with Heartland University. I Have completed the Java Script101 course now and plan on taking whatever else I can get my little hands on ! You can find all sorts of helpfull links on my CL help page including a link to sign up for Heartland U's free courses as well ! I use Internet Explorer's browser mainly , but can also help with Netscape Navigators browsers as well. On top of my regular CL duties for my assigned blocks: Heartland/Prairie/2500-2999 I belong to the Heartland Angels commitee and work one on one with my assigned steaders daily till they are ready to tackle HTML on thier own. If you think you would like one on one help from a Heartland Angle then CLICK HERE to check out the commitee's home page.I have also just joined as a member of the Heartland Hallmark committee click on the graphics at the bottem of the page to enter your site for the Hallmark award! One the side I am puting together a bunch of critter background sets and will be opening anothere site eventually to offer these sets free for people to use on thier personal home pages ! I will anounce this on my site when the time comes. :^) This background and buttons for example where designed by me. Hope you enjoyed visiting with me and drop by the farm and say Hello anytime!