The Critter Lovers

Well now that you've met the critters on the farm , I would like to introduce the owner of the little oasis : He is one of the most inspiring people I have yet to meet, and a true friend. Thank you so much for everything Wayne you'll always have a place in my heart!!!

O.k. well I guess you want to know a little bit about me.

Well I was born and raised in Calgary , Alberta. Canada. I am the oldest of four siblings. I've had animals for as long as I can remember. People say I just have a knack for it. Wild or domestic they seem to know I won't hurt them. The only time I've ever been bite is breaking up a hamster fight. :^> I love Poetry and have been writing it for about 12 years now. I build and fly remote control airplanes. I've been threw allot in the past 27 years in terms of relationships and for the fist time it seem things are finally coming together in that department. I've been told I'm a pretty good artist and I enjoy sketching. This is me:

:^> o.k. so I'm way better at taking pic's of my critters.

Yes,your seeing this right it's an enterence to my chat room:^>.I've set this up so I can meet with my family and close friends.If you'd like to talk to me in person send me an e-mail and I'll sent you the times I'll be hear.My Chat room name is Lioness.

Chat Now

I Have found a wonderful company of which I have become self employed allowing me to be at home and make a great living. As well I get the bonus of really being able to help families! If you'd like to check out what I do then Click here. Get Equal Access to the Justice System in North America and protect your family.

If you want to see some of my drawings and poetry click

the buttons below. All I ask is that you not copy or take any of these without my permistion as I am working on a book of poetry and these poems are copyrighted.

A quick warning here some of my poetry is based on spousal abuse and is pretty graphic. I have written from experience my intent to raise awarness. I'm a true advicate agaist abuse of ANY kind to anyone human or animal!

Here is a special page made for Andy J Navarrette featuring R/C Planes.R/C airplanes at the farm

WE MADE THE PAPER! Check out the pic's of our recent Show n Shine R/C Airplane event held in down town Langley.

Visit Andy and his family and pets by clicking on his picture.



  I love hearing from you.

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