Here's some Cool Links to Grrreat

Graphic, sound sites :^)

Webmania Designs

Animation Arthouse

Animated Gif Archive

Heartland Graphics

The Daily.Wav

The Wavs

Some friends of the critters


Hope you'll pop in to see there great sites as well!

Angela's Home Page- visit her cute critter's in Germany.

Penny's from Heaven- One vary beautiful Boston Terrier and roomies.

PekeHaven- take a Peke at some real cute carecters!

Charlie and the birds- A must see site for all bird lovers and a super person as well! Thanks again for the Condure.gif Charlie!

Pet Folio- Drop in and see them. Very nice site.

I will be adding new links and new friends continually. If I've left anyone out please let me know and I'll add you asap! Until then take care and enjoy your visit . :^)