This will probably be the hardest page to keep up to date for a couple of reasons. First - it's difficult to take good pictures of the fish. Second - the fish like to (?) die. We have four tanks in our house. A very small one (aqua babies cube) in Amanda's room with a little bent guppy, two single gallon tanks with goldfish and guppies, and a 30 gallon tank with two plecos, two tinfoils and a giant danio.

We've had albino frogs - those are fun, mollies, bala sharks, black tip sharks, gouramis, painted glass fish, zebra tetras, and probably a few other I have forgotten.
We seem to have the best luck with the plecos. Currently we have two. Both were about an inch and a quarter when I brought them home. One is now about 9 inches, and the other 6-7 inches long. They eat the algae wafers and shrimp pellets, and pretty much keep to themselves. If they get startled, they will run into the sides of the tank at alarming speeds, but so far it does not seem to have caused them any harm...

Still working on this page - more to come...