You don't get to choose how
you're going to die or when.
You can only decide how you're going to live.
--Joan Baez--

Welcome to my Writing Page

What is right for one soul
May not be right for another.
It may mean having to stand on your own
and do something strange in the eyes of others
***Eileen Caddy***

I am currently in the process of transferring some short stories to this page.
Your patience is greatly appreciated.

The pacing had become slow and rhythmic, almost methodic. Still, she continued to pace while she nervously wrung her hands together with anticipation. As far as she was concerned, the time to begin worrying had long since come and gone. During the first half hour she could have afforded some leniency because it wasn't particularly unusual for her seven year old son, Marcus, to become sidetracked on his way home from school. Although it didn't take much concentration, the pacing managed to keep her occupied, preventing her imaginative mind from conjuring up untold situations involving her son--situations much too upsetting for Jill to cope with right now.

"Stop!" Jill demanded and quickly stopped her pacing. Never before had her authority been so boldly put to the test. She couldn't actually put blame on the phone for ringing and not stopping...even if it's what she requested. "Not now," she began and placed both hands firmly over the phone. "I don't want to hear about it," she continued with through a whisper. She stared down at the telephone on the end table, feeling the vibrations beneath her fingertips with each ring, trying to regain composure--enough composure to at least carry on a rational conversation.

Jill lifted the receiver, all the while holding her breath. Feeling absolutely petrified and dreading any bad news of her son and his mysterious absence. She placed the receiver next to her ear. "Hello?" She recognized Ellen Jones' voice and Jill's defensive posture sagged dramatically. Ellen, being Jill's assistant in her Interior Decorating business, was constantly calling to confirm things with her. "Listen," Jill interrupted. "I can't handle this now. I'm in the middle of a personal crisis," she explained. "I'll get back to you tomorrow morning. Right now, I can't concentrate at all. I'm sorry," Jill concluded. The pause on Ellen's end was disturbing.

"Is it anything I can help you with?" Ellen offered.

Jill let out a deep sigh and said, "I really don't think so Ellen, but thanks anyway."

"Do you need someone to talk to? I'm always here you know," Ellen reassured. "If you ever need to talk." Jill closed her eyes, trying to hold her tears in check.

"Thank you Ellen," Jill said, suddenly feeling extremely grateful that she had arrived at the decision that Ellen was worth of her trust. "I appreciate your concern, but I really do think that this is something that I have to handle alone. Please," she interjected. "don't take that as a reflection on you, because it isn't. I'll explain tomorrow...but right now I think that I need to keep this phone line clear. I'm sort of expecting a call at any time. Okay?" Jill explained carefully, not wanting to upset Ellen. She knew how sensitive Ellen could be.

"Sure thing Jill. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Jill held the receiver in her hand a few minutes after Ellen hung up. Feeling in awe at the power the phone had over people. It was an instrument of both good and bad news.

"If I don't put you down," Jill thought, "I'll never get any bad news." At that point, Jill felt very superior somehow, very much in control of her destiny. She realized thought that needing to know; regardless as to whether or not she wanted to, necessitated its return to the cradle. Jill conceded and slowly replaced it.

"Police," Jill muttered to herself. "It's time to call them. I don't know what else to do," she admitted defeatedly. She had called all the people that she could think of who may have know anything about Marcus or his whereabouts. All of the replies had been negative, which had only added to Jill's already frazzled condition. She dialed 911. A lady answered the phone.

"Yes," Jill acknowledged quickly. "I want to report a missing child"

"Will you please hold a minute," the lady asked, "while I connect you with the proper department?" Jill had no time to respond before she realized she had already been placed on hold.

"Can't you people do anything right?" she growled into the telephone. "This is an emergency. Possibly even a life threatening situation," she continued angrily. "You can't put me on HOLD!" Her anger was out of control and she had to drop the phone to the table while she made an attempt to regain her composure. She rubbed at her temples. The tension she felt building behind her eyes was unbearable. "Control." she said softly. "Got to stay in crontrol," she murmured and let out a deep sigh.

Jill finally picked up the phone from the table and checked to see if she was still on hold. "Are you there?" a man asked with a touch of concern evident in his voice. It startled Jill.

"Yes," she confirmed. "I'm still here. They had put me on hold and I took advantage of the time by doing something while I waited."

"I understand. I'm sorry that you were inconvenienced. This is Detective George Jensen. I'm in charge of missing persons. How can I be of assistance, Miss..."

"Chandler," she offered. "Jill Chandler. My son is missing. I don't know what else to do," she babbled.

"Calm down, M'am," he directed softly. His voice was strong and reassuring. "Can you answer a few questions for me? It's vital if you want our help. You have to be willing to co-operate with me. Please," he continued. "What's your son's name?"

"Marcus Kramer," she said dryly.

"Kramer?" His question caught her off guard. His voice remained calm and smooth.

"I'm divorced," she finally offered.

"I see," Detective Jensen commented. "When, exactly, was it that your son went missing?" Jill searched her confused mind in order to reply to the question.

"Uhhh," she mumbled absentmindedly. "I was expecting him anywhere between 3:30 and 4:30," she explained. "He's never been any later than that. I've called around and nobody has seen him." She felt her voice beginning to crack and swallowed hard to get rid of the lump she felt forming there.

to becontinued...

Other Writings browsing list

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
My World's End

***Stay tuned for future additions***

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