hi barb really found your web site enjoyable .... this is spoons from
kelly_omg - 10/27/00 13:30:55
barb,its nice to finally see who i am talking to.
I think your home page is great
angela brewer - 10/21/00 07:56:47
Favourite book: Ishmael
Favourite Song and why?: "when you say nothing at all" by allison kraus
What do you cherish?: my friends &family
Personal Outlook on Life: live it to the ultimate fullest
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: don't drink alcohol on weekdays when away at university
i'm really impressed with your web page. I'm a former red rocker and i know your son chris. Give him my email would that's if he remember me
- 10/13/00 23:56:29
Favourite book: Anything by Rita Mae Brown
Pet peeves: Why complain about anything. Life is too short.
Favourite Song and why?: HELP ME MAKE IT THRU THE NIGHT by Sammi Smith
What do you cherish?: Friends
Personal Outlook on Life: Just like the bumper sticker says, SHIT HAPPENS!!!
Hi Barb - I love the new picture in confirmation dress. So pure and virginal!!! OMG!!! What happened??? hehehe (((Barb))) You know I wish you only the best and much, much happiness.
Zaanai - 07/10/00 23:39:13
What happened to Kobe? Did he actually stay lost this time?
love Patricia
Zaanai - 06/12/00 16:39:14
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Wait until you're 22 to give away your virginity...
So, how's it going? I'm fine. Anyway, all I have time to say is that I had a wonderful time with Tony. And I cannot wait until he's here again. :)
love Zaanai
twylah - 05/28/00 14:11:31
Favourite book: too many to say
Pet peeves: dishonesty
Favourite Song and why?: coming around again - because i am
What do you cherish?: friends
Personal Outlook on Life: never give up no matter what
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: sometimes people give you the best advice because they are on the outside looking in - i always get good advice
this is a really nice web site. one of the first i have visited. just got a computer and i've been in the chat rooms, but reluctant to chat, guess i should just jump in! enjoyed your links and writing very much. Thanks!
SueSume - 05/20/00 06:38:48
Favourite book: this week? White Oleander but totally love The Stand too
Pet peeves: people who repeat the SAME mistakes and then moan "why does this ALWAYS happen to ME?"
Favourite Song and why?: A Matter of Trust -Billy Joel. Even sounds good when I sing it
What do you cherish?: family ,God ,Nature ,Alone Time
Personal Outlook on Life: I'm very goal oriented: only my goal is to enjoy my life as much as I can
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Buckle up when Barb's drivin' and don't drink hot tea when you read her posts on the BB
Thank you Barb!!! I love this format, thanks for getting it back. Just think, no more e-mails from me whining about the guest book!
Now, how often can I sign B4 you get a restraining order?
tex - 05/08/00 09:06:35
My Email:tex@ccms
Favourite book: Of all time: The Stand by Stephen (highly overrated) King
Pet peeves: Fair Weather Friends, Crass Commercialism, Thugs, Drugs, and Gangstahs
Favourite Song and why?: Suzanne by L. Cohen
What do you cherish?: A few good friends, good conversation, good food, a smile from a kid
Personal Outlook on Life: What goes around comes around
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Don't buy a computer!!
Heya! Last time I tried this, I got nothin'!!
Glad you got your guestbook up and running! I LOVE those backgrounds. Talk to you....umm..soon??!!
Benna - 04/30/00 02:14:24
Favourite Book: The Stand - by StephenKing
Personal Outlook on Life: Its too short, so make the most of it.
Pet Peeves: Rude Drivers
What do you Cherish: Family & Friends
Favourite Song: Anything done by Great Big Sea
Best Advice You ever Got: Don't ever get married
Hi Barb, loved your site it made me feel good.
Concetta Scarlett - 08/26/99 05:10:30
Favourite book: The Bound Man
Personal outlook on life: It Is A Bitch
Pet Peeves: Be Truthful
What do you cherish: God's Greatest Gift, "LOVE"
Favorite Song: Aretha Franklin, "Respect"
This is how I now view life.....!!!
Thank you for your gifts. I will always cherish your charm. Someday we will be together...Angels are Forever.
*note* Yep, Angels are forever...keep hanging in there.
sara - 08/20/99 23:11:16
Kerry & Gloria O'Grady - 08/17/99 18:44:08
Nice site
Patricia - 08/10/99 05:13:33
Favourite book: Evergreen
Personal outlook on life: Positive,loving and warm
Pet Peeves: lying
What do you cherish: everyday
Favorite Song: poems,prayers,promises
Love the sight looking forward to meeting you and thanks for all the help. Love to have a link on your sight, however I have no idea how to do it.
I use the computer mostly for work and am not hip to the internet procedures. Think you have a wonderful outlook on life and a dry sense of humor just the way I like it.
*note* thanks for signing my guestbook...I'm sure that you'll make a success of your business. Stay strong.
Raven - 08/05/99 04:40:17
Favourite book: Too many ( really )
Personal outlook on life: " I did it my way.." wait thats a song...
Pet Peeves: Things the squeek, grind and otherwise inyerupt my silence..
What do you cherish: My life, above all eltse
Favorite Song: Something by Madonna I think, it varies...
Like it...Your web page...
*hugz* for you...
I would say more but i get really long winded...
*note* Keep flapping those wings BR and one can never be long winded...unless it's Clinton addressing the nation on tv. *S*
Concetta Scarlett - 07/25/99 18:57:42
Favourite book: Bible
Personal outlook on life: Live, Love and Let Live & Love
Pet Peeves: Control freaks are nowhere
What do you cherish: MY Love
Favorite Song: Respect
Hi Barb.
carrie (indiana) - 07/24/99 01:52:15
Favourite book: romance
Personal outlook on life: nature and animal lover
Pet Peeves: abuse to anything weak
What do you cherish: God, my friends, my family, my dogs
Favorite Song: Unforgettable, any Christmas
I enjoyed your homepage and enjoy seeing you in the chat room. I like your profile.
katie - 07/18/99 01:24:20
Favourite book: anything by albert camus
Personal outlook on life: find pleasure in the simple and the now...makes life super!!!
Pet Peeves: pretentious and/or rude people
What do you cherish: my family, my friends, my health, my compassion and trust
Favorite Song: hmmm hard its scar tissue, by the red hot chilie peppers
super site!!!! thank you for sharing this part of you!!!!
*note* "Some people leave footprints in your heart and you are never quite the same again"
sara - 07/12/99 23:41:31
Favourite book: Man of La Mancha
Personal outlook on life: go for the gusto
Pet Peeves: sourpusses
What do you cherish: health, love
Favorite Song: too many to list
Enjoyed reading your bio., barb
*note* *smile* Enjoyed spending some of my online time with you too...keep on doing what you do that makes you feel good. You're never too old...just remember that. *S*
Concetta Scarlett - 07/01/99 00:58:03
Favourite book: Short Story Collection
Personal outlook on life: Much to See; Much to Learn & Much to Do!
Pet Peeves: Lack of Patience
What do you cherish: *LOVE*
Favorite Song: Dpn't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
Your are One of the Greatest....Thank you for the Invite...Concetta
Julie - 06/06/99 23:58:26
Personal outlook on life: Never have regrets....
Pet Peeves: ignorance.....
What do you cherish: beautiful souls...
Favorite Song: Into the Light, by Joe Satriani
You are so special to me...You asked above what i cherish......i cherish you :)
*note* Angels are to be cherished...and you've found yours...aren't you glad you waited? *S* {{{{{hug}}}}}}
Elaine - 05/22/99 04:31:36
Favourite book: none
Personal outlook on life: serenity and peace
Pet Peeves: hmm not enough room lol
What do you cherish: my wife, and my pets
Favorite Song: I have so many
Hi there Barb I like the site :) It was good to see you and talk with you again on dalnet. Keep up the good work. And hey thanks for talking me into getting this pc. If I didnt get it I wouldnt have met the love of my life. Peace and Love :)
Your pal Elaine
*note* Peace and love back at you two...good luck with the move.
Sam (Samantha) - 04/17/99 22:05:06
Favourite book: La Technique by Jacques Pepin (Fundamentals of Food Preparation)
Personal outlook on life: If Life is a party, be kind to the hostess :)
Pet Peeves: those taste test displays in stores when the supply has run out.
What do you cherish: I cherish my family and friends.
Favorite Song: Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
Hi Barb,
I really had fun browsing your site. I really enjoyed the poems and I like the cooking link, as you can see (by my favorite book), I am a cooking fanatic. By the way, your demon cat doesn't look so frightening to me. Keep up the incredible work.
P.S. I think you have a dead link. I couldn't access your spirituality link.
ArmorKing - 12/26/98 04:17:20
Favourite book: $$$$$
Personal outlook on life: $$$$$
Pet Peeves: not $$$$
What do you cherish: $$$$$
Favorite Song: $$$$$(well maybe not)
great page!keep up the extensive work!i hoped you visit mine!
Manitous exist and are sometimes friendly.....
*note* Yes they are...thanks for taking the time to sign.
Jackie Landry - 10/24/98 06:16:36
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/8370
Favourite book: The Gypsy by Steven Brust
Personal outlook on life: "you only get one shot at life, might as well enjoy it"
Pet Peeves: housework
What do you cherish: my family
Favorite Song: too many to list
Great page Barb! Been all through the site and loved it!
*note* Thanks...sorry I didn't get the recipes out in time, you just can't get teenaged boys to do anything on time.
Karen Fortier - 10/20/98 02:19:06
My Email:you know
Favourite book: ? anything on health/wellness
Personal outlook on life: It sucks(just kidding)
Pet Peeves: driving on winter roads in Northwestern Ontario
What do you cherish: God, family, home, good music, good sex
Favorite Song: have lots
I finally visited your home page. Its cool. I think I wrote too many words in the spaces above so the total sentences don't fit. Just kidding about the life sucks part.
*note* Thanks for visiting...I wish I didn't have to delete most of your entry...It was one of the more moving ones. And you know what? Life does Suck sometimes...and it's okay to say that.
{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}} :)
Selena Jackson - 10/14/98 12:36:29
Favourite book: Anything Heinlein
Personal outlook on life: It Happens, deal with it and grow stronger for it
Pet Peeves: poltics in the work place
What do you cherish: friends, family
Favorite Song: Don't Stop Believing
Very Good, Barb Page is coming along nicely.
*note* ^5 Bud (no height reference in that at all by the way.) Glad you enjoyed it.
10/04/98 11:19:08
Name: Bad Bunny |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
*note* Shame on you...spamming? Tsk Tsk...
Nora - 09/30/98 19:01:06
Personal outlook on life: let the chicken's run
Pet Peeves: cleaning up after kids
What do you cherish: my husband
Andrew...I know you are a cool kid, and sure to succeed in life. I look forward to visiting your site again to check on your progress. Take care, be carefull, and keep your nose out of trouble. Later Dude!
*note* Coooool
Zaanai - 09/30/98 17:27:08
My URL:/Area51/Hollow/3890
Favourite book: I think I can.
Personal outlook on life: I don't know
Pet Peeves: I don't know
What do you cherish: I don't know. O wait! I know. My Megatron toy!
Favorite Song: The Touch!
Fine I will sign your page! I thought there was two different guestbooks! Sue me! Sorry for my outburst. I am on my moon time. Joy!
*note* Are you saying you just mooned me? Shame!
Linda35 - 09/15/98 20:38:21
Personal outlook on life: everything is funny
Pet Peeves: judgemental people
What do you cherish: my family
Nice web page Barb.... Great job!
*note* Snuck in while I napped huh? Just kidding!
Abby_Norml - 09/13/98 01:00:57
Favourite book: any cookbook
Personal outlook on life: Never look back!!
Pet Peeves: Gummi bears that melt in a hot car...I hate eating Gummi Glob!!
What do you cherish: My family
Favorite Song: I am Woman
I like the blue's my favourite colour...and you DO need more pictures!!! And, I like the cooking link...(((((((hugs4U))))))))
*note* That's what you were doing with that crayon huh? Did you find enough tape for it? Thanks for stopping by.
Aba Norml - 09/13/98 00:42:57
Favourite book: It by Stephen King
Personal outlook on life: Life is a game to be played to the fullest
What do you cherish: My family
nicely done web page. easy to move around in. :)
*note* Thanks...take good care of Ms. Norml. *wink*
Tracy Johnson - 09/08/98 12:58:52
Favourite book: erotica
Personal outlook on life: Life is short...grab ahold and run with it :)
Pet Peeves: closed minded people
What do you cherish: my wife, my step-son, and my parents
Favorite Song: The Weakness In Me by Melissa Etheridge
very nice home page baby!! Told ya i'd sign the damn guestbook :) Hope to see you soon on Dal Net, until then take care of yourself love *HUGS* and kisses from me and the wife :))
*note* Ooops...You signed twice sorta...but thanks.
lori - 09/05/98 18:20:04
Personal outlook on life: happiness is everything...
Pet Peeves: arrogance and deceit
What do you cherish: the love of my life...and sometimes my kids
I'm impressed each time I come to your site. It just keeps getting better and better. Your photos, art, poems, stories are all wonderful....and yes, I do think I can be unbiased. Thank you for letting me visit was an incredible trip. 101
*Note* Are you the one ringing up my total? Just kidding! Thanks for visiting...and yeah, you can be unbiased. *smile* 101 back at ya...
Zaanai - 08/26/98 15:21:29
Favourite book: Too many to list...
Personal outlook on life: To not die too early.
Pet Peeves: My family... Just Kidding!!
What do you cherish: Life.
Favorite Song: Untitled by Age of Electric
Hey Cuz! Howsit goin? Anyway, it is nice to see you have a webpage goin on. I am deffinitely coming here often. Hope you don't mind. You better not!
*Note* I won't take it personally that you signed Andrew's subpage and not mine. I know you love me anyway.
Andrew - 08/24/98 13:41:09
Personal outlook on life: It would be better if I didn't have pains in the ribs...
Pet Peeves: Political Candidate Infomercials
What do you cherish: sense of humour, my model car collection and my action figures.
Favorite Song: Pump up the Volume
Put more pictures in it...and when am I going to get my subdirectory???? Gimme Gimme Gimme my homepage. What's for dinner? Bye, your son...Andrew
*Note* You're such a get cracking on your homepage...after you do your homework!
Sue - 08/23/98 13:54:53
I think you'll do wonders with this web page. I have faith in you. I am impressed that you are even attempting it.
Sue :)
*Note* Thanks...a little bit of faith goes a very long way. Still boldly going where no-one has gone before huh? Thanks for getting the ball rolling by making the first's greatly appreciated.
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