Here's what other discerning webcrawlers had to say...

spoons - 11/08/00 23:12:30
Favourite book: any good mystery
Pet peeves: liars and phony people
Favourite Song and why?: Jackson Browne ..roadies ... like the beat and reminds me of the arena i used to work for.
What do you cherish?: honesty and integrity ... my independence
Personal Outlook on Life: roll with the punches

hi barb really found your web site enjoyable .... this is spoons from

kelly_omg - 10/27/00 13:30:55

barb,its nice to finally see who i am talking to. I think your home page is great Kel

angela brewer - 10/21/00 07:56:47
Favourite book: Ishmael
Favourite Song and why?: "when you say nothing at all" by allison kraus
What do you cherish?: my friends &family
Personal Outlook on Life: live it to the ultimate fullest
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: don't drink alcohol on weekdays when away at university

hey, i'm really impressed with your web page. I'm a former red rocker and i know your son chris. Give him my email would that's if he remember me

- 10/13/00 23:56:29
Favourite book: Anything by Rita Mae Brown
Pet peeves: Why complain about anything. Life is too short.
Favourite Song and why?: HELP ME MAKE IT THRU THE NIGHT by Sammi Smith
What do you cherish?: Friends
Personal Outlook on Life: Just like the bumper sticker says, SHIT HAPPENS!!!

Hi Barb - I love the new picture in confirmation dress. So pure and virginal!!! OMG!!! What happened??? hehehe (((Barb))) You know I wish you only the best and much, much happiness.

Zaanai - 07/10/00 23:39:13

What happened to Kobe? Did he actually stay lost this time? love Patricia

Zaanai - 06/12/00 16:39:14
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Wait until you're 22 to give away your virginity...

So, how's it going? I'm fine. Anyway, all I have time to say is that I had a wonderful time with Tony. And I cannot wait until he's here again. :) love Zaanai

twylah - 05/28/00 14:11:31
Favourite book: too many to say
Pet peeves: dishonesty
Favourite Song and why?: coming around again - because i am
What do you cherish?: friends
Personal Outlook on Life: never give up no matter what
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: sometimes people give you the best advice because they are on the outside looking in - i always get good advice

this is a really nice web site. one of the first i have visited. just got a computer and i've been in the chat rooms, but reluctant to chat, guess i should just jump in! enjoyed your links and writing very much. Thanks!

SueSume - 05/20/00 06:38:48
Favourite book: this week? White Oleander but totally love The Stand too
Pet peeves: people who repeat the SAME mistakes and then moan "why does this ALWAYS happen to ME?"
Favourite Song and why?: A Matter of Trust -Billy Joel. Even sounds good when I sing it
What do you cherish?: family ,God ,Nature ,Alone Time
Personal Outlook on Life: I'm very goal oriented: only my goal is to enjoy my life as much as I can
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Buckle up when Barb's drivin' and don't drink hot tea when you read her posts on the BB

Thank you Barb!!! I love this format, thanks for getting it back. Just think, no more e-mails from me whining about the guest book! Now, how often can I sign B4 you get a restraining order?

tex - 05/08/00 09:06:35
My Email:tex@ccms
Favourite book: Of all time: The Stand by Stephen (highly overrated) King
Pet peeves: Fair Weather Friends, Crass Commercialism, Thugs, Drugs, and Gangstahs
Favourite Song and why?: Suzanne by L. Cohen
What do you cherish?: A few good friends, good conversation, good food, a smile from a kid
Personal Outlook on Life: What goes around comes around
What is the best advice you NEVER got.: Don't buy a computer!!

Heya! Last time I tried this, I got nothin'!! Glad you got your guestbook up and running! I LOVE those backgrounds. Talk to you....umm..soon??!!

Benna - 04/30/00 02:14:24
Favourite Book: The Stand - by StephenKing
Personal Outlook on Life: Its too short, so make the most of it.
Pet Peeves: Rude Drivers
What do you Cherish: Family & Friends
Favourite Song: Anything done by Great Big Sea
Best Advice You ever Got: Don't ever get married

Hi Barb, loved your site it made me feel good.

Concetta Scarlett - 08/26/99 05:10:30
Favourite book: The Bound Man
Personal outlook on life: It Is A Bitch
Pet Peeves: Be Truthful
What do you cherish: God's Greatest Gift, "LOVE"
Favorite Song: Aretha Franklin, "Respect"

This is how I now view life.....!!! Thank you for your gifts. I will always cherish your charm. Someday we will be together...Angels are Forever.
*note* Yep, Angels are forever...keep hanging in there.

sara - 08/20/99 23:11:16


Kerry & Gloria O'Grady - 08/17/99 18:44:08

Nice site

Patricia - 08/10/99 05:13:33
Favourite book: Evergreen
Personal outlook on life: Positive,loving and warm
Pet Peeves: lying
What do you cherish: everyday
Favorite Song: poems,prayers,promises

Love the sight looking forward to meeting you and thanks for all the help. Love to have a link on your sight, however I have no idea how to do it. I use the computer mostly for work and am not hip to the internet procedures. Think you have a wonderful outlook on life and a dry sense of humor just the way I like it.
*note* thanks for signing my guestbook...I'm sure that you'll make a success of your business. Stay strong.

Raven - 08/05/99 04:40:17
Favourite book: Too many ( really )
Personal outlook on life: " I did it my way.." wait thats a song...
Pet Peeves: Things the squeek, grind and otherwise inyerupt my silence..
What do you cherish: My life, above all eltse
Favorite Song: Something by Madonna I think, it varies...

Hi... Like it...Your web page... *hugz* for you... I would say more but i get really long winded... BlackRaven
*note* Keep flapping those wings BR and one can never be long winded...unless it's Clinton addressing the nation on tv. *S*

Concetta Scarlett - 07/25/99 18:57:42
Favourite book: Bible
Personal outlook on life: Live, Love and Let Live & Love
Pet Peeves: Control freaks are nowhere
What do you cherish: MY Love
Favorite Song: Respect

Hi Barb.

carrie (indiana) - 07/24/99 01:52:15
Favourite book: romance
Personal outlook on life: nature and animal lover
Pet Peeves: abuse to anything weak
What do you cherish: God, my friends, my family, my dogs
Favorite Song: Unforgettable, any Christmas

I enjoyed your homepage and enjoy seeing you in the chat room. I like your profile.

katie - 07/18/99 01:24:20
Favourite book: anything by albert camus
Personal outlook on life: find pleasure in the simple and the now...makes life super!!!
Pet Peeves: pretentious and/or rude people
What do you cherish: my family, my friends, my health, my compassion and trust
Favorite Song: hmmm hard its scar tissue, by the red hot chilie peppers

super site!!!! thank you for sharing this part of you!!!!
*note* "Some people leave footprints in your heart and you are never quite the same again"

sara - 07/12/99 23:41:31
Favourite book: Man of La Mancha
Personal outlook on life: go for the gusto
Pet Peeves: sourpusses
What do you cherish: health, love
Favorite Song: too many to list

Enjoyed reading your bio., barb
*note* *smile* Enjoyed spending some of my online time with you too...keep on doing what you do that makes you feel good. You're never too old...just remember that. *S*

Concetta Scarlett - 07/01/99 00:58:03
Favourite book: Short Story Collection
Personal outlook on life: Much to See; Much to Learn & Much to Do!
Pet Peeves: Lack of Patience
What do you cherish: *LOVE*
Favorite Song: Dpn't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

Your are One of the Greatest....Thank you for the Invite...Concetta

Julie - 06/06/99 23:58:26
Personal outlook on life: Never have regrets....
Pet Peeves: ignorance.....
What do you cherish: beautiful souls...
Favorite Song: Into the Light, by Joe Satriani

You are so special to me...You asked above what i cherish......i cherish you :)
*note* Angels are to be cherished...and you've found yours...aren't you glad you waited? *S* {{{{{hug}}}}}}

Elaine - 05/22/99 04:31:36
Favourite book: none
Personal outlook on life: serenity and peace
Pet Peeves: hmm not enough room lol
What do you cherish: my wife, and my pets
Favorite Song: I have so many

Hi there Barb I like the site :) It was good to see you and talk with you again on dalnet. Keep up the good work. And hey thanks for talking me into getting this pc. If I didnt get it I wouldnt have met the love of my life. Peace and Love :) Your pal Elaine
*note* Peace and love back at you two...good luck with the move.

Sam (Samantha) - 04/17/99 22:05:06
Favourite book: La Technique by Jacques Pepin (Fundamentals of Food Preparation)
Personal outlook on life: If Life is a party, be kind to the hostess :)
Pet Peeves: those taste test displays in stores when the supply has run out.
What do you cherish: I cherish my family and friends.
Favorite Song: Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler)

Hi Barb, I really had fun browsing your site. I really enjoyed the poems and I like the cooking link, as you can see (by my favorite book), I am a cooking fanatic. By the way, your demon cat doesn't look so frightening to me. Keep up the incredible work. P.S. I think you have a dead link. I couldn't access your spirituality link.

ArmorKing - 12/26/98 04:17:20
Favourite book: $$$$$
Personal outlook on life: $$$$$
Pet Peeves: not $$$$
What do you cherish: $$$$$
Favorite Song: $$$$$(well maybe not)

great page!keep up the extensive work!i hoped you visit mine!

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"

castilian - 11/07/98 06:21:59
Favourite book: Wisconsin Death Trip
Personal outlook on life: yes
Pet Peeves: yes, he's like a member of the family
What do you cherish: Unsentimentality
Favorite Song: "If You Leave Me Can I Come Too?

Manitous exist and are sometimes friendly.....

*note* Yes they are...thanks for taking the time to sign.

Jackie Landry - 10/24/98 06:16:36
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/8370
Favourite book: The Gypsy by Steven Brust
Personal outlook on life: "you only get one shot at life, might as well enjoy it"
Pet Peeves: housework
What do you cherish: my family
Favorite Song: too many to list

Great page Barb! Been all through the site and loved it!

*note* Thanks...sorry I didn't get the recipes out in time, you just can't get teenaged boys to do anything on time.

Karen Fortier - 10/20/98 02:19:06
My Email:you know
Favourite book: ? anything on health/wellness
Personal outlook on life: It sucks(just kidding)
Pet Peeves: driving on winter roads in Northwestern Ontario
What do you cherish: God, family, home, good music, good sex
Favorite Song: have lots

I finally visited your home page. Its cool. I think I wrote too many words in the spaces above so the total sentences don't fit. Just kidding about the life sucks part.

*note* Thanks for visiting...I wish I didn't have to delete most of your entry...It was one of the more moving ones. And you know what? Life does Suck sometimes...and it's okay to say that. {{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}} :)
Selena Jackson - 10/14/98 12:36:29
Favourite book: Anything Heinlein
Personal outlook on life: It Happens, deal with it and grow stronger for it
Pet Peeves: poltics in the work place
What do you cherish: friends, family
Favorite Song: Don't Stop Believing

Very Good, Barb Page is coming along nicely.

*note* ^5 Bud (no height reference in that at all by the way.) Glad you enjoyed it.

10/04/98 11:19:08
Name: Bad Bunny
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

*note* Shame on you...spamming? Tsk Tsk...

Nora - 09/30/98 19:01:06
Personal outlook on life: let the chicken's run
Pet Peeves: cleaning up after kids
What do you cherish: my husband

Andrew...I know you are a cool kid, and sure to succeed in life. I look forward to visiting your site again to check on your progress. Take care, be carefull, and keep your nose out of trouble. Later Dude!

*note* Coooool

Zaanai - 09/30/98 17:27:08
My URL:/Area51/Hollow/3890
Favourite book: I think I can.
Personal outlook on life: I don't know
Pet Peeves: I don't know
What do you cherish: I don't know. O wait! I know. My Megatron toy!
Favorite Song: The Touch!

Fine I will sign your page! I thought there was two different guestbooks! Sue me! Sorry for my outburst. I am on my moon time. Joy! Patricia

*note* Are you saying you just mooned me? Shame!

Linda35 - 09/15/98 20:38:21
Personal outlook on life: everything is funny
Pet Peeves: judgemental people
What do you cherish: my family

Nice web page Barb.... Great job!

*note* Snuck in while I napped huh? Just kidding!

Abby_Norml - 09/13/98 01:00:57
Favourite book: any cookbook
Personal outlook on life: Never look back!!
Pet Peeves: Gummi bears that melt in a hot car...I hate eating Gummi Glob!!
What do you cherish: My family
Favorite Song: I am Woman

I like the blue's my favourite colour...and you DO need more pictures!!! And, I like the cooking link...(((((((hugs4U))))))))

*note* That's what you were doing with that crayon huh? Did you find enough tape for it? Thanks for stopping by.

Aba Norml - 09/13/98 00:42:57
Favourite book: It by Stephen King
Personal outlook on life: Life is a game to be played to the fullest
What do you cherish: My family

nicely done web page. easy to move around in. :)

*note* Thanks...take good care of Ms. Norml. *wink*

Tracy Johnson - 09/08/98 12:58:52
Favourite book: erotica
Personal outlook on life: Life is short...grab ahold and run with it :)
Pet Peeves: closed minded people
What do you cherish: my wife, my step-son, and my parents
Favorite Song: The Weakness In Me by Melissa Etheridge

very nice home page baby!! Told ya i'd sign the damn guestbook :) Hope to see you soon on Dal Net, until then take care of yourself love *HUGS* and kisses from me and the wife :))

*note* Ooops...You signed twice sorta...but thanks.

lori - 09/05/98 18:20:04
Personal outlook on life: happiness is everything...
Pet Peeves: arrogance and deceit
What do you cherish: the love of my life...and sometimes my kids

I'm impressed each time I come to your site. It just keeps getting better and better. Your photos, art, poems, stories are all wonderful....and yes, I do think I can be unbiased. Thank you for letting me visit was an incredible trip. 101

*Note* Are you the one ringing up my total? Just kidding! Thanks for visiting...and yeah, you can be unbiased. *smile* 101 back at ya...

Zaanai - 08/26/98 15:21:29
Favourite book: Too many to list...
Personal outlook on life: To not die too early.
Pet Peeves: My family... Just Kidding!!
What do you cherish: Life.
Favorite Song: Untitled by Age of Electric

Hey Cuz! Howsit goin? Anyway, it is nice to see you have a webpage goin on. I am deffinitely coming here often. Hope you don't mind. You better not! Patricia

*Note* I won't take it personally that you signed Andrew's subpage and not mine. I know you love me anyway.

Andrew - 08/24/98 13:41:09
Personal outlook on life: It would be better if I didn't have pains in the ribs...
Pet Peeves: Political Candidate Infomercials
What do you cherish: sense of humour, my model car collection and my action figures.
Favorite Song: Pump up the Volume

Put more pictures in it...and when am I going to get my subdirectory???? Gimme Gimme Gimme my homepage. What's for dinner? Bye, your son...Andrew

*Note* You're such a get cracking on your homepage...after you do your homework!

Sue - 08/23/98 13:54:53

I think you'll do wonders with this web page. I have faith in you. I am impressed that you are even attempting it. Sue :)

*Note* Thanks...a little bit of faith goes a very long way. Still boldly going where no-one has gone before huh? Thanks for getting the ball rolling by making the first's greatly appreciated.

Alright, you're being watched...

Don't make me place this after the guest book entry page
Go back and sign it please

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