{Remembering RSD--January 31, 1967 -- June 14, 1998}
May your eternal rest be peaceful and may you smile on us all.
I miss you Scott

Welcome to my Creative Corner

The Bitterest tears shed over a grave...
Are for words left unsaid...
And Deeds left Undone
***Harriet Beecher Stowe***

March 11, 1984

I held a dream in my hand once,
So delicate and vulnerable.
Many people told me to abandon it,
That I wasn't capable.

They tried to make me close my hand,
in order to crush my dream.
I just wouldn't do it though,
impossible as it did seem.

I handled it so gently,
and kept it dear to me.
My dream would survive,
they would all see.

I held my dream up high,
so safe and secure.
I would work toward it...
I felt so very sure.

I worked at it so hard,
and gained self-confidence.
I realized that my determination
would surely make the difference.

The difference between
failure and success
has to be Determination...
I guess.

My dream is now thriving
and beginning to flower.
I feel the optimism
and I feel the power.

The power to move all of
Heaven and Earth...
To realize and determine
my own self-worth.

Here are a few other poems if you'd like to read them

All Poems are original copyrighted material.
Please don't use without requesting permission first.
© 1998 BL Incorporated

My Poem browsing list

A Relationship's Seasons
Ode To A Balloon
Halloween Night
Thoughts on Love
Poems in 20 words or less

***Stay tuned for future additions***

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