The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched......
They must be felt with the heart.
-Helen Keller-

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

Welcome to my Asylum

Just because you're Down to Earth...
Doesn't mean that you can't soar with the Eagles!
Life is simply what you make of it

HI There!

Hmmm...Let me see...Who am I? What do I like...dislike...cherish?

My name is Barb, and I'm 46 years old. I live in Northwestern Ontario, Canada...Land of the Free and Home of the brave. (Ooops, I think that's America) It's really a beautiful country up here, but the winters are just a bit too long...just ask anybody that lives here, I'm sure they'd agree. We don't usually complain about it though...we just endure.

My two teenaged sons had been the source of a lot of my amusement and frustrations over the years as they stumbled into adulthood. If you're a mother, you'll understand. Chris is the oldest and Andrew is the youngest. As they've grown along with me, the peace, joy and contentment far outweighed the frustrations. We have had two jet black cats that we lovingly refer to as "Our Demon Cats" and a beautiful Calico. Unfortunately, the ex got custody of both of them when she left. Firstly, Mini thought she was a dog...growled a lot, and she terrorized smaller kids that come into the house. I think she's slightly crazy and perhaps a bit neurotic. It's not surprising that some of the adults are wary of her too...she was tough. Kitty as a kitten with mean Mini and this is Kitty all grown up Kitty and the baby Raven were the last two cats to grace my home. I had a brief stay with Spazzy but unfortunately had to give her away. I have gotten another calico that has recently been born to a friend's cat. Check back for pictures of Moxie when I can manage to get another digital cam or take some pictures and scan them to upload.

I am seeing an extremely intelligent and wonderful woman nearby. She's smart, funny, compassionate, noTAURiously feisty and a superb scrabble opponent. That alone is reason enough for me to keep her around for a very long time. I'm sure that everybody knows life is far too short to sweat the small stuff. When you find somebody that enhances the happiness in your life, it's only logical that you should do everything in your power to hold on to that person. Pick and choose your battles wisely because you really need to be able to distinguish the important issues from the trivial in order to keep a "relationship" thriving. Communication is a vital factor in helping attain that distinction.

Presently, I stay at home and my goal is to return to school as soon as possible, again through Distance Education and independent study, with Athabasca University to work on my Bachelor of Arts Degree with a concentration on Information Systems. I'm looking forward to, not only that opportunity, but to the challenge as well. One should never stop learning. I have been approved as a foster parent and presently I have a placement in my home of a 17 year old boy who is going to school. So many children need the safety, understanding and love of somebody that truly cares about their well-being...and being a foster parent can be extremely rewarding in many ways.

I certainly enjoy a lot of the simpler things in life: Listening to relaxing music, Reading a good book, Watching a Sunrise or Sunset, Marvelling at the beauty of a rainbow, creating anything artistic in nature. As a spiritual person, I find that I do especially enjoy the feel of the wind and the power it possesses. As well, I find that wide open spaces tend to put any of my problems, I might find myself facing, into perspective. When you're facing the magnitude of the Earth, all other problems seem small, if not insignificant, by comparison.

I consider myself to be multi-faceted...I am an interesting blend of writer/artist/philosopher/counsellor/teacher/friend. There are a few others mixed in among all those as well. I have a great sense of humour (a bit on the dark side sometimes), love getting into philosophical discussions about anything and everything. I especially find any and all sources of Spirituality very intriguing. My original Spirituality page was accidentally wiped out and I've had to improvise. That will teach me to try edit web pages when I'm still half asleep. *S* I am a nature lover in the deepest sense of the word and I respect and appreciate all that Mother Earth has to offer.

In my spare time, (the time I spend not having my nose pressed into a course book or in front of the computer working.) I like to cook, write poetry, try unravel the mysteries of life, take in a few good sitcoms (after all, what is life without laughter????) and basically sit in awe of how quickly my sons have grown and just how fast time can fly...regardless as to whether or not you're having fun. My personal outlook on life is "It's short...don't take anything for granted". If you are happy and content within yourself then everything else in life will fall into place and people around you will be happy as well. After all, life is not a dress rehearsal, so make all your choices in life count...because you can't go back and do it over again.

When I am online (which is most likely far too often for my liking)I spend time talking with close friends I've made on IRC, Pogo, MSN and other chat venues over 9 years. I do enjoy playing some of the games on Pogo as well as lycos and other game avenues and various chat applications. Hey, I never really did feel any strong pull to be a part of the "In crowd", I'm simply more and no less.

*stay tuned for further updates*

Here are a few sites that caught my "eye"

Links to other sites on the Web

Send a card
Red Hawk Wolf Cavern
When you care enough to send the very best.
Andrew's Crawlspace
Zaanai's Transformer webpage...try keeping Nepotism in the family people!
Love to Cook?
Horoscopes with a Twist--I enjoy this site.
Rehandart--Mouth & Foot Painting Artists
Simply Feelings...Up and coming Greeting card company

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to have visited this site so far...
Please, feel free to return to check on further progress

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