*WAVES* Everyone I'm "Simbuka King of Prideland" but my friends call me: Simba

I am now 21 months old, I have a brother Snoopy and a sister named Nala. My Mom and I passed "Basic Obedience" Class, she did very well I am VERY proud of her.........*Samoyed Smerk*!
This is me at 2 months aren't I cute AND "INNOCENT" *looking*!!
"No no I won't come out, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"
Me at my "Grandma's" house, I always have to remind her to fill the water dish.
"Geezz what's a handsome boy like myself gotta do to get a drink around here?"
There have been
people that have been here before ya....but that's OK atleast you're here now *smooch*
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This page
last updated August 11, 1999