Not Irish-Celt
Celtic Cooking British 641 Scot N
Mystery of the Shrinking Red Deer English 914.2341 N
Scottish Clans and Their Tartans [The] Scot 914.11 N
Scottish Folk Tales Scot 394.11 N
Scottish Isles [The] Scot 914.114 N
Alcott, Louisa May Behind a Mask: -- or -- A Woman's Power Scot F
Allen, G F London British 914.23 N
Allen, G F Scotland Scot 914.11 N
Anthony, Evelyn Anne Boleyn English B
Ashford, Daisy Young Visitors [The] Scot F
Bailey, Adrian Cooking of the British Isles [The] British 641 Brit N
Barrie, J. M. Auld Licht Idyls Scot F
Barrie, J. M. Half Hours Scot F
Barrie, J. M. Little Minister [The] Scot F
Barrie, J. M. Novels, Tales and Sketches of J. M. Barrie [The] Scot F
Barrie, J.M. Sentimental Tommy Scot F
Bengtsson, Frans G. Long Ships [The] Folk-Viking 398.3244 N
Black, Laura Glendraco Scot F
Blogh, Michael [Ed] Wallis and Edward: Letters 1931-1937 English 942.1 N
Booss, Claire Scandinavian Folk & Fairy Tales Folk-Viking 398.244 N
Borroff, Marie [Ed.] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Arthurian F
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Mists of Avalon [The] Arthurian F
Bradshaw, Gillian Kingdom Summer Arthurian F
Brady, Charles A Sword of Clontarf Medieval F
Briggs, Asa Social History of England [A] English 942.1 N
British Tourist Authority Castles & Historic Places in Wales Welsh 914.29 N
British Tourist Authority Grampian Region: Scotland's North East Scot 914.11 N
Brophy, Brigid Don't Never Forget British 824.154 N
Bryson, Bill Britain's Hedgerows British 914.42 N
Buechner, Brendan Brendan Medieval F
Buford, Bill Among the Thugs British 914.42 N
Burnett, Frances Hodgson That Lass O'Lowrie's Scot F
Burnett, W. B. Scotland Laughing: The Humour of the Scot Scot 824.11 N
Caine, Hall Manxman, The British F
Carlsen, G Robert [Ed] British & Western Literature: Themes & Writers British 824.42 N
Carpenter, Humphrey Tolkien: A Biography Welsh B
Carpenter, Humphrey ed w/Chistopher Tolk Letters of J R R Tolkien [The] Welsh 838.T649 N
Carr, Philippa Gossamer Cord [The] English F
Carr, Philippa Saraband for Two Sisters English F
Catholic Information Network Life & Works of Sir Thomas More [The] English B
Cerruti, James Britain's French Channel Islands English 914.2342 N
Cerruti, James Cotswolds [The]: Noicest Part o'England English 914.4217 N
Cerruti, James Edinburgh: Capital in Search of a Country Scot 914.11 N
Churchill, Winston S. Birth of Britain [The] British 941 N
Colley, Linda Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837 British 942.1 N
Connor, Ralph Treading the Winepress Scot F
Coulter, Catherine Heiress Bride [The] Scot F
Coulter, Catherine Lord of Hawkfell Island Medieval F
Creswick, Paul Adventures of Robin Hood [The] Medieval F
Crichton, Robert Camerons [The] Scot F
Cronin, A. J. Green Years [The] Scot F
Cronin, A. J. Pocketful of Rye [A] British F
Cronin, A. J. Shannon's Way Scot F
Cronin, A. J. Song of Sixpence [A] Scot F
Daiches & Flower Literary Landscapes of the British Isles British 914.42 N
Daiches, David Robert Louis Stevenson and his world Scot 824.115 N
Dale, Bruce When Gypsies Gather at Appleby Fair English 914.42 N
Daughters of the British Empire in NM Our Favourite Recipes British 641 Brit N
Davis, Kathryn Lynn All We Hold Dear Scot F
de Camp, L. Sprague Lost Continents: Atlantis Theme in History, Scienc Folklore 398.0 N
Delderfield, Eric R. Kings and Queens of England English 942.1 N
Delderfield, R. F. Theirs Was the Kingdom English F
Dodge, Mary Mapes Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates Folk-Holla 398.244 N
Douglas, William Scott Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns [The] Scot 824.111 N
Ellis, William S. Loch Ness: The Lake and the Legend Scot 914.11 N
Farmer, D. H. [Ed.] Age of Bede [The] British 941 N
Ferris, Paul Dylan Thomas: a biography Welsh B
Findley, Rowe Scotland, Ghosts, and Glory Scot 914.11 N
Fisher, Allan C Where the River Shannon Flows Scot 914.17 N
Fisher, Allan C Jr One Man's London English 914.42 N
Fisher, Allan C. Investiture of Great Britain's Prince of Wales Welsh 914.29 N
Fisher, Allan C. Two Englands English 942.055 N
Fleishman, Avrom Virginia Woolf: A Critical Reading British 823.W913 N
Fletcher, Jo [Ed] National Trust Handbook [The] British 914.42 N
Fraser, Antonia Cromwell: The Lord Protector English B
Fraser, Antonia Mary Queen of Scots Scot B
Galbraith, John Kenneth Scotch [The] Scot 914.11 N
Gardiner, Samuel R MA History of Nations - England [v11] English 942.1 N
Gartner, Chloe Mistress of the Highlands Scot F
Gayley, Charles Mills Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art [Th Folk-Engl 398.242 N
George, Margaret Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles Scot B
Gilbert, Henry King Arthur Arthurian F
Girouard, Mark Great Good Places [The]: English Country Houses English 914.42 N
Gordon, R K Beowulf Folk-Engl 398.242 N
Gore, Rick Eternal Etruscans [The] English 930 N
Grigson, Jane British Cookery British 641 Brit N
Grolier Society Lands & Peoples - British Isles and Western Europe British 914.42 N
Grosvenor, Melville Bell Journey into the Age of Chivalry Medieval 394 N
Guerber, H A Myths of Northern Lands Folk-Viking 398.224 N
Gunn, Robert M Bruce, Bannockburn and Beyond [The] Scot 936.11 N
Gunn, Robert M Skye's Scottish History Timeline Scot 941.1 N
Gunn, Robert M WitchCraft in Medieval Scotland Scot 299.4 N
Haasse, Hella S. In A Dark Wood Wandering Medieval F
Hammond, Reginald J. West Cornwall: A Ward Lock Red Guide British 914.42 N
Hanley, Clifford Skinfull of Scotch [A] Scot 914.11 N
Helm, P. J. Exploring Tudor England English 914.42 N
Herriot, James All Things Bright and Beautiful Scot 824.115 N
Herriot, James All Things Wise and Wonderful Scot 824.115 N
Herriot, James Every Living Thing Scot 824.115 N
Herriot, James The Lord God Made Them All Scot 824.115 N
Higham, Charles & Moselly, Roy Elizabeth and Phillip English 942.1 N
Hodgson, Bryan Exploring England's Canals English 914.42 N
Hodgson, Bryan Wales: The Lyric Land Welsh 914.29 N
Holden, Anthony Windsor Castle English 914.42 N
Holt, Victoria Snare of Serpents Scot F
Hutchison, Isobel Wylie From Barra to Butt in the Hebrides Scot 914.11 N
Inglis, Fletcher Scotswoman [The] Scot American F
Ingram, Rev. James [trans] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle [The] British 941 N
Irwin, Margaret Elizabeth, Captive Princess English B
Jacobs, Joseph English Fairy Tales Folk-Engl 398.242 N
Jarman, Rosemary Hawley Crown in Candlelight English F
Johnston, Velda I Came to the Highlands Scot F
Jones, Ellen Fatal Crown [The] Arthurian F
Jones, Terry Saga of Erik the Viking [The] Folk-Viking 398.244 N
Jordan, Robert Paul Viking Trail East: When the Rus Invaded Russia Viking 936.48 N
Joyce, Patrick LlD History of Nations - Ireland & Scotland [v12] British 941 N
Kaufman, Pamela Banners of Gold Arthurian F
Kaufman, Pamela Shield of Three Lions Arthurian F
Kerr, Robert Stuart Legacy [The] Scot F
King, Aileen & Dunnett, Fiona Home Book of Scottish Cookery Scot 641 Scot N
Kipling, Rudyard Departmental Ditties and Ballads and Barrack Ro… Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kim Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 10 - Poems and Ballads. Index Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 4 - Soldier's Three Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 5 - City of the Dreadful Night Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 6 - Under the Deodars. Am Note Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 7 - Gadsbys, in Black & White Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 8 - Mine Own People & other st Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Kipling's Works - V 9 - Letters of Marque Scot F
Kipling, Rudyard Works of Rudyard Kipling [The] Scot F Scottish Song Lyrics Scot 781.7411 N
Kurian, George Thomas Kurian British Isles: Facts on File National Profiles British 914.42 N
La Fay, Howard Vikings [The] {book} Viking 936 N
LaFay, Howard Vikings [The] {article} Viking 936.48 N
Lamb, Harold Crusades [The] Medieval 940 N
Larson, Laurence M History of England and the British Commonwealth British 942 N
Lauder, Sir Harry Roamin' in the Gloamin' Scot B
Laxness, Halldór Independent People: An Epic Folk-Viking 398.24 N
Lehane, Brendan & Eds of Time Life Books Enchanted World [The]: Wizards and Witches Folklore 398.0 N
Levathes, Louise E Mysteries of the Bog Other 662.622 N
Leyland, Charles E Notes on Keats's Poetry British 824.422 N
Llewellyn, Richard How Green Was My Valley Welsh F
Lodge, Henry Cabot PhD,LLD, Editor History of Nations [The]: England English 942.1 N
Long, Richard W & Woolfitt, Adam England of Charles Dickens [The] English 914.237 N
MacDonald, George Baronet's Song [The] Scot F
MacInnes, Helen Friends and Lovers Scot F
MacInnes, Helen Prelude to Terror Scot F
MacKenzie, Alexander Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [The] Scot 941.1 N
MacLaren, Ian Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush Scot F
MacLean, Alistair Introduces Scotland Scot 914.11 N
MacLeish, Kenneth Canterbury Cathedral English 914.42 N
MacLeish, Kenneth Highlands of Scotland [The] Scot 914.11 N
MacLeish, Kenneth Isles of the Western Sea Scot 914.11 N
MacLeish, Kenneth Scotland's Outer Hebrides Scot 914.11 N
Malcolmson, Anne Song of Robin Hood Folk-Engl 398.242 N
Malory, Sir Thomas Le Morte d'Arthur Arthurian F
Mann, Gladys Traditional British Cooking for Pleasure British 641 Brit N
McCrone, Guy Charlotte and Dr. James Scot F
McLaren, Moray Understanding the Scots Scot 914.11 N
Mitchell, W R It's a long way to Muckle Flugga Scot 914.11 N
Moore, Thomas etc. Poetical Works of Lord Byron [The] English 824.421 N
Morton, H V In the London of the New Queen English 914.42 N
National Geographic Discovering Britain and Ireland British 914 N
Newcott, William R Living Tower of London [The] English 914.42 N
Newman, Sharon Guinevere Evermore Arthurian F
O'Reilly, Eileen & Eugene Country Inns British 914.42 N
Oldroyd, David R. Highlands Controversy [The] Scot 550.941 N
Ostrow, Joanna In the Highlands Since Time Immemorial Scot F
Pargeter, Edith Brothers of Gwynedd Quartet [The] Welsh F
Patience, John Little People [The] Folklore 398.0 N
Penman, Sharon Kay Falls the Shadow Medieval F
Penman, Sharon Kay Here Be Dragons Welsh F
Pirenne, Henri Medieval Cities: Their Origins and the Revival of Medieval 940.1 N
Pitkin Britain's Kings and Queens British 941 B
Plaidy, Jean Beyond the Blue Mountains English F
Plaidy, Jean Lion of Justice [The] Medieval F
Plaidy, Jean Regent's Daughter [The] Medieval F
Plaidy, Jean Spanish Bridegroom [The] English B
Poortvliet, Rien and Huygen, Wil Gnomes Folklore 398.0 N
Prebble, John Darien Disaster [The]: A Scots Colony in the New W Scot 986.2 N
Pyle, Howard Story of King Arthur and His Knights Arthurian F
Quigley, John King's Royal Scot F
Richard, Ivor We, the British British 941 N
Ross, Anne Folklore of the Scottish Highlands [The] Folk-Scot 398.2411 N
School of Scottish Studies Tocher: Tales, Songs, Traditions Folk-Scot 398.2411 N
Scott, Sir Walter Keepsake Stories [The] Scot F
Scott, Sir Walter Quentin Durward Scot B
Scott, Sir Walter Tales of Chivalry and the Olden Time Scot 394.11 N
Scott, Sir Walter Bart. Lady of the Lake [The] Scot F
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart Ivanhoe: A Romance Arthurian F
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. Scotland Scot 941.1 N
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. Talisman [The]: A Tale of the Crusaders and Chroni Scot 394.11 F
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. Waverly or 'Tis Sixty Years Since Scot F
Scottish Board Scotland - Somewhere Different Scot 914.11 N
Scottish Tourist Board Scotland: Where to Go and What to See Scot 914.11 N
Seton, Anya Avalon Arthurian F
Seton, Anya Green Darkness English F
Seton, Anya Katherine Medieval F
Sharp, Allen Rob Roy: Legend of the Mist Scot B
Sheffield, Charles & Bischoff, David Selkie a novel [The] Scot F
Sideman, Belle Becker World's Best Fairy Tales [The] Folklore 398.0 N
Skelton, C. L. Beloved Soldiers Scot F
Smith, Lacey Baldwin Elizabethan World [The] English 940.2 N
Smith, Michael Afternoon Tea Book [The] British 641 Brit N
Speas, Jan Cox Bride of the MacHugh Scot F
St. John, Nicole Guinever's Gift Arthurian F
Steinbeck, John Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights [The] Arthurian F
Stevenson, D. E. Celia's House Scot F
Stevenson, D. E. Listening Valley Scot F
Stevenson, D. E. Music in the Hills Scot F
Stevenson, D. E. Smouldering Fire Scot F
Stevenson, D. E. Still Glides the Stream Scot F
Stevenson, Robert Louis Best Known Works of Robert Lewis Stevenson Scot F
Stevenson, Robert Louis Black Arrow [The] Scot F
Stevenson, Robert Louis Edinburgh Scot N
Stevenson, Robert Louis Master of Ballantrae [The] Scot F
Stevenson, Robert Louis Prince Otto Scot F
Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island Scot F
Stewart, Mary Crystal Cave [The] Arthurian F
Stewart, Mary Hollow Hills [The] Arthurian F
Stewart, Mary Last Enchantment [The] Arthurian F
Stewart, Mary Prince and the Pilgrim [The] Arthurian F
Stewart, Mary Stormy Petrel [The] Scot F
Stewart, Mary Thornyhold English F
Stirling, Jessica Wise Child [The] Scot F
Sugden, John Sir Francis Drake Scot B
Theroux, Paul Kingdom by the Sea [The] British 914.42 N
Thomas, Veronica Manx and Their Isle of Mann [The] English 914.224 N
Thomson, George Malcolm Crime of Mary Stuart [The] Scot B
Tierney, Brian Middle Ages [The]: Vol 1: Sources of Medieval Hist Medieval 940.1 N
Time Life Recipes: The Cooking of the British Isles British 641 Brit N
Time-Life Books Enchanted World [The]: Dragons Folklore 398.0 N
Time-Life Books Enchanted World [The]: Fairies and Elves Folklore 398.0 N
Time-Life Books Enchanted World [The]: Water Spirits Folklore 398.0 N
Tolkien, J R R Book of Lost Tales [The] Welsh F
Tolkien, J R R Hobbit [The] Welsh F
Tolkien, J R R Lord of the Rings [The] Welsh F
Tolkien, J R R Silmarillion [The] Welsh F
Trevelyan History of England English 942.1 N
Tuso, Joseph F [Ed] Beowulf British 829.3 N
Tyler, J E A Tolkien Companion [The] Welsh 824.295 N
unknown Scottish Song Lyrics Scot 781.7411 N
Villiers, Alan Channel Cruise to Glorious Devon English 914.235 N
Villiers, Alan Scotland from her lovely Lochs and Seas Scot 914.11 N
Wacher, John Roman Britain British 936.202 N
Ward, Andrew Scotland Scot 914.11 N
Westcott, Jan Border Lord [The] Scot F
White, Leslie Turner Highland Hawk [The] Scot F
White, Leslie Turner Magnus the Magnificent Scot F
White, R. J. England: The Horizon Concise History English 942.1 N
Whiting, Roger Enterprise of England [The]: The Spanish Armada English 940.2 N
Whittier, John Greenleaf Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier Other N
Williams, Peter N Brief History of Wales [A] Welsh 942.9 N
Wilson, Margaret Able McLaughlins [The] Scot F
Winchester, Simon A Century after his death, everyone seems to love Scot 824.11 N
Wright, Louis B Britain that Shakespeare Knew [The] English 942.055 N
Wright, Louis B. World of Elizabeth I [The] English 942.055 N
Zwingle, Erla Docklands: London's New Frontier English 914.42 N