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Youth Reaching A World

There was a generation of Christians who prayed for 10 minutes a day, but saw no results.  There was was a generation of Christians who thought they were too weak and too small to defeat anything.  But  God has raised up a generation that doesn't play the same old games. A generation that seeks the fire and power of God. A generation that means business. As God pours out His fire on this new generation, we begin to see a new kind of Christian. A "FIREBEARING" generation that will reach the world with the fire and love of God. Which generation will you be a part of? It's time to decide...

Located in Whitter, California
@ 16119 Whittier Blvd.

Our Program Times are as follows:

Fridays at the Warehouse"
(every friday @ 7pm)

Jr High/ Senior High Bible Studies"
(every wednesday @ 7pm)

Holy Spirit Power"
(every sunday @ 6pm)

an eXtreme Bible Study

Upcoming Events @ YRAW

More about Pastor Joshua

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hear a quick little quote from Pastor Joshua

Just some Cool Links

YRAW Church

(C) a "youth reaching a world" production

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