My Quilting Passion

I enjoy foundation piecing and machine piecing/quilting. However, I do not like the country-style quilts that often result from foundation piecing. I prefer contemporary quilts, including landscape quilts and quilts with vibrant colors. I enjoy dyeing fabric, and although I intially wasn't sure how to use the fabric, I seem to have the hang of it now!

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Log Cabin Quilt

Here is a picture of my first quilt, a log cabin, (of course), full size. It had gold lame' centers. Rather wild, in retrospect, don't you agree? I chose too many prints.

Naturally, my quilt instructor insisted that I hand quilt it. I put it away after quilting 3 blocks, figuring I'd do more in the winter. When I pulled it out again (2 yrs. later), I hated it and realized I'd never put it on a bed or wall in my house. So I ripped out the 3 blocks of quilting, saved the batting and backing, and donated it to my quilt guild's silent auction.

The girl who bought it loved it, finished it, and entered it in the next quilt show as a jointly-made quilt. Wasn't that nice of her?

Watercolor Quilt

Here is a picture of my first watercolor quilt. Someday I hope to make another. I have all kinds of ideas for turning traditional block patterns into watercolor quilts. The worst part is pinning all the little 2" squares together so the seams line up.

The story behind this quilt is interesting. In my early days with the internet and quilting forums/lists, I signed up for a swap of fabrics specifically for watercolor quilts. I had seen a few pictures of the quilts and loved them, so I figured I should swap now and store away the squares.

There were 7 of us in a group, each assigned a different color of the rainbow. We each had to buy 10 pieces of fabric in our assigned color, from light to dark. Then we shared pieces with the others in the group. This was a great idea, because I never would have bought a quarter yd. of 70 fabrics.

So anyway, about 1-1/2 yrs. later I quit my job in preparation for the birth of my child and treated myself with a trip to the local quilting store. Would you believe, that very night they were having a watercolor quilt class, and they had one space left? So I drove home, praying I would be able to remember where I had stashed those 70 fabrics, and returned to the store in an hour to take the class.

The next 8 weeks were spent rearranging fabric on my flannel board and piecing the top, after which our daughter was born. Voila!

Bowtie Quilt

Here is a quilted wall-hanging that I made in memory of my husband's paternal grandmother at the 1-year anniversary of her death.

This bowtie quilt was my first shot at triangles, but I really stitched squares together. (Okay, that's cheating!) It was given to my father-in-law.

Want to see some of my favorite quilting links?

The Cotton Club
England Design Studio
The Mining Co.
Paper Panache
Piece by Number
Lots of Paper Piecing Patterns and Links

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