Have you noticed how few people sew?
It seems the younger generation (under 35?) has passed up this wonderful hobby. Like most girls, I took the required home ec. class in high school with the obligatory sewing project. But with me it stuck.
My sewing buddy and I agreed that, at first, our motivation to sew was based on economics (clothes were expensive) and limited selection of styles and colors. Deciphering the pattern directions was tedious, and the seam ripper was our most valued notion (after pins and scissors). However, with all these years of experience and diligence, sewing is actually fun! The directions all seem the same now, unless we're sewing something fancy, and even then the directions aren't cryptic like they used to be.
Locally, I've seen fabric stores come and go, and I always hold my breath because I don't know what I'll do without a fabric store (or 3!) close by. But another one always seems to fill the vacancy. Now I keep a photo journal of every project I sew. One reason I do this is to motivate myself to finish what I've started. But I also like to browse thru the photos when I feel like I haven't had time to sew in a long time. The pictures remind me of how much I really have sewn!
I have sewn all the curtains and coordinated pillows in my house. Frankly, I hope we never move again, because I just can't stand making curtains! They're not hard, but I don't enjoy the tedious ironing.
I have sewn formal dresses, too.
The blue one was a Vogue pattern (with boning--now there's determination!) that I made for the VA Tech Ring Dance my jr. year. I remember that it cost $70 in materials, owing largely to all the black tulle that made the bustle. I had never sewn taffeta or tulle before, but that didn't stop me!
The pink one was for my best friend's wedding. I remember that I used fusible interfacing instead of sew-in for the neck facing. It didn't seem like a big deal, and it sure saved a lot of time. Unfortunately, it puckered the front of the dress! The bride's mother noticed right away, but what could she say? It wasn't exactly a proud moment for me, either! At least it didn't show up in the pictures...
I made a really cute felt activity book for a friend's daughter.