Is it ADHD or part of God's plan?

Don't you think it's odd that so many children these days have trouble sitting still? I don't think it's God's plan for them to be medicated or even confined to a chair. It's time for our educational methods to undergo a major change. Realistically, the public education system is not going to make a radical change. But I believe God is calling Christian parents to make a change for our children, either in private schools or our own homeschools.

We have been living in a world of scientific discoveries. The corresponding movement in the Christian church has been one of intellectual discoveries about God's kingdom, with great thinkers encouraging individuals' spiritual growth.

In contrast, our younger generation is full of movement, low on patience, with shorter attention spans and the need for snap decisions and action. They don't read much, but boy, do they have quick reflexes and thrive on technology. We parents know who to go to when we get a new piece of electronic equipment!

I believe that the time for reflection and heavy thinking is drawing to a close. God is calling Christians to action, and He is equipping our future leaders for His work. As we head toward the end of the age of gentiles, with turbulence, violence and persecution, as the enemy brings out his forces, God is revealing His battle plan through our youth.

As He sounds the battle call, God needs warriors who are full of faith and ready to step out into the spiritual battle, as well as the earthly battle, with bold confidence. There will be less need for years of college education. Rather, our children will need practical life skills, survival skills and a strong relationship with the One who provides the swords and ammunition for this war machine which will bring in the new Kingdom. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, the coming generations will display the full power disbursed to man at Pentecost, to the glory of the Father.