New!! A Study of Isaiah
For this study of Isaiah, read the scripture for each section, praying as you go. You may want to make notes on what you notice. Read slowly, several times. Look for repeated words and ideas. Look for themes like love, judgment, and personal holiness. Make a list of God’s attributes. Look up words you don’t know and check other versions. Want more instruction on how to study your Bible?
Then print the notes I have provided for that section. They are broken up into several parts:
- Observations on Isaiah Chapter xx
Use this to expand your understanding of the scripture. The observations are linked to verses in that chapter of Isaiah.
- Personal Questions
Use these questions to make the scripture relevant to your life. Isaiah wrote to the Jews living in Judah at the time of the Babylonians and Ancient Egyptians, before the Greeks and Romans invaded. But there is plenty that is applicable to people today. It is uncanny how history repeats itself.
- Study Helps
I provided lists and tables of information in some of the chapters. I was moved to organize thoughts and ideas in the scripture in certain ways.
- Prayer Helps
The truths of scripture should drive us closer to God. We should be desperate to draw near to the One who created us and loves us. The way we deepen our relationship with God is through prayer. Much as we keep in touch with friends on the phone, prayer is our connection to God. I try to provide a launch pad for your prayer time as you study each particular section of Isaiah.