Enlarged to show detail
Acutual Size is .75" diameter
Heart of America Chapter held its Salute to TWA Gala at the Hilton Hotel KCI on April 8,
2001. In tribute to TWA and the event the chapter commissioned a pin
featured above for those 450 in attendance. Many inquiries have been received from
both active and retired employees who would like to purchase pins for themselves or
friends. The Heart of America Chapter will order additional pins for any other
chapters or individuals who would like to purchase them at the cost of $5.00 plus 50 cents
postage for each pin. Clubs who order in bulk will be $5.00 each and mailed to one
address in the chapter.
These pins are of
top quality and will be a lasting remembrance for anyone with interest in "The TWA
that we knew and loved".
Inquiries may be sent to jlhammers@aol.com
Please allow six weeks for delivery.

To view photos of the Gala held on August 8,
2001 click HERE

The TWA Heart of America Seniors Club has over 1,000 members in the Greater Kansas City
area. We hold monthly luncheon meetings September through May and monthly dinner meetings
June through August. A Newsletter is published and mailed to members six times a year. If
you are not already a member, we invite you to join us.

August 21, 2004
Third TWA Family Reunion
Embassy Suites Hotel - KCI
4:30 pm Coctails

For more information on
these events or if you have any comments just "click" on the Mail Box to send us
a message.

Old Guestbook

Designed & Maintained by Nancy Crawford
© 1998-2003 - TWA Heart of America Seniors