Buell Family Research Project

This page was created by Darlene Kay (Buell) Durham for the purpose of joint research of the Buell Family and other satellite families. I say "joint research" because I cannot do this alone. There is so much information available. There are many people out there with information that can help. My purpose is to provide what information I have learned to fellow researchers and to family members.

The Buell (Bewelle, Beville) family originated in England. William Buell came to America in ~1635 and ended up settling in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. In the early years, the Buell family migrated to New York, Michigan, and Florida. My side of the Buell family is from Michigan. Now, the Buell family is all over the country. The Buell name, strangely enough, means "field infested with crows!"

* Special thanks to Audrey Buell Peters for colorizing the Buell crest and making it available to all. (To see a larger image, click on the picture!)

What to find in this page:

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Buell Family of Michigan

"Chronology of the Buell Family," by John H. Buell, 1940- (text file) Written by my Great Grandfather's brother in 1940, this provides a history of MY family from Richard Edgerton Buell (Richard Buell I). Although the beginning of this document has possible errors about Richard Edgerton, it has information on later generations which are very interesting. Print this out and see if you can find links to your own family. Click here for an index of names, places, and other notables in this document. (Please keep in mind that this was written in 1940. Any politically incorrect opinions are not held by the author of this web page.)

Documents - Either transcribed by hand, or scanned in. Includes wills, cemetery inscriptions (Genesee County, MI), and selected pages from my Great-Great Grandfather's pension records. Please note: I will not include any vital records for anyone living in order to protect privacy. Includes information from Buell Family of Michigan and early Buell's.

Buell Family in the Civil War - Information on my ancestors who fought in the Civil War.

Pictures - Last updated 10/15/98 - I've scanned in some older pictures. I also have some pictures of my immediate family (uh oh!). Also in here are pictures of gravestones.

William Buell Descendant Tree- (text file) Note that this is not complete, mostly my line. Please see web pages below (other Buell pages) for other descendants. As I constantly receive information, this (and the following) file will be periodically updated.

Richard Edgerton Descendent Tree - (text file) For more detailed information, please see Ellen Edgerton's web page.

Dick Halsey's Family Page - Dick Halsey is one of the closest relatives I have been able to find (other than immediate family members) through the internet. He is my fourth cousin, also descended from Richard Buell II from Michigan. See this chart to see our relationship.

Michigan GenWeb - For any genealogical information in Michigan, this is the prime source!

Links to other pages regarding the Buell Family

Links to other Genealogical Information

Please note that all web pages listed above are simply pages that I have been able to use in my research. I will not be held responsible for any misleading or incorrect information contained within any links or within my own web page. Please use these as an aid, and verify your own information.

Please do not e-mail me at this time. If you would like information about the Buell e-mail ring, you can e-mail Audrey Buell Peters and inquire about Buell research. Thank you.

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Fellow Buell researchers and genealogists have visited this page since May 19, 1998. Welcome!

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