Christmas 2000
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Merry Christmas From Dragonwyck!

John, Megan, Lise' Alex and Heather

This year has been very busy for all five of us.

Lise' spent most of 2000 volunteering for the Fox Island Community Center, organizing many events and activities, and served as a docent at the Fox Island Historical Museum. She spends her days "herding cats", as she likes to refer to caring for two preschoolers.

John went to Philadelphia in June to participate in the AFSCME International Conference on behalf of Local 120, for which he serves as Chairman of the City's bargaining unit. While he was there, he got to hear Rep. Richard Gephardt and President Clinton speak, and met Al Gore and even shook his hand.  He spends much of his spare time as Webmaster of nearly 40 websites, including our community web:  a community and real estate website:  and our family website 

Heather and Alex
attended a Tacoma General Hospital NICU reunion in September. They both have come a long way from being under the 'grow lights' at TG. Alex, age 3, loves HotWheels cars, Batman, Superman and all of the characters from Toy Story. Heather, age 5, is anxious to start kindergarten next year. She enjoys Barbies, ponies, coloring and cleaning her room. Both of them are avid storytellers and excel at make-believe.


We acquired two baby kitties in June named Sophie and Sammy. They are growing by leaps and bounds and Heather & Alex love to play house and dress-up with them.

Megan and Lise' began hosting a bi-weekly radio program on KGHP Gig Harbor. It is a local community radio station that can be heard on 104.5 FM. They were complete rookies when they volunteered to be DJ's at the radio station, but now they have a blast doing their Sunday program from 3 to 6pm. Their show is called "Fox Island Follies".

September brought school, and Megan's last year in middle school. She is in 8th grade at Kopachuck Middle School studying art, drama, and the usual required courses and is placed in the 9th grade algebra class. She has high standards for herself and now is starting to enjoy the idea of being a doctor. She likes to read and loves to roller blade.

July also saw us winging our way south to Florida, home of the butterfly ballot. We spent twelve days in Orlando seeing the sights at the Magic Kingdom and soaking up the sun, rain and tornados. John spent a few of those days at the TechWave software developer's conference. 

We also toured Cape Canavaral, where we saw an actual Saturn V moon rocket (see left).  As you can see, the size of it was awesome.  Our whole family could stand up in one of the rocket nozzles!

As they say, Orlando is a nice place to visit, but…

November saw in the annual Fox Island Holiday Carnival and Craft Fair. We hosted 25 different craft vendors, ran a carnival game room and offered live entertainment for everyone. This too, was a fundraiser for our community center.

The Fox Island Tree Lighting was another great time for all, Santa arrived on the Fox Island Fire engine, and handed out candy canes to all the Island children.  There was a "Down Home" Country Christmas concert afterwards in the Community Center.

Our websites and email addresses are:
Make sure to visit our home page at: 
Or John's Dragonwyck Web Design at: 

E-mail John & Lise' at: 
E-mail Megan at: 

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