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Name :   marybeth
location :   usa
Comment :   you are a ass hole. there are repressed memory i know i wake up at 10 years old ,you are helping child abuser i will fight for the children YOU YOU HARD DONT YOU KNOW DENIAL IS PART OF CHILD ABUSE ,YOU ARE A SINNER AS AM I .STOP STOP RIGHT NOW YOU BITCH .
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Name :   Sam
location :   Australia
Comment :   Thankyou for providing this valuable story to the world.
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Name :   Paul Ingram
location :   Oregon
Comment :   Like what I see so far, still going through your info. Keep up the good work.
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Name :   ms bishop
location :   indianapolis
Comment :   writing a report thanks,
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Name :   Jeff
location :   Arkansas
Comment :   I’m glad this sight exists. Currently were going threw this with our sister. It’s really hard. What’s sad is that this RM groups she went to get her into RM. Despite the overwhelming medical and physical proof, she won’t even admit that this evidence even
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Name :   Vince Patton
location :   Australia
Comment :   Congratulations on having the guts to come out and say what youve been through and to thereby help so many others. I only wish my daughters (yes, two of them) would do the same.
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Name :   Sharon
location :   Tennessee
Comment :   Our family is living the nightmare of my father-in-law being falsely accused by his daughter(39 years old) your links have helped thanks. This woman has 3 websites proclaiming her victim status and is writing a book and accepting speaking engagements! Al
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Name :   Carol
location :   Chicago
Comment :   Great website. Informative and well-thought out. Terrific links and lots of encouragement.
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Name :   Janet MacDonald
location :   Princeton MA
Comment :   Check out Losing Linda: A Legacy of Recovered Memory Therapy by Jennifer M. Anderson access it through google. Its very good.
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Name :   will
location :   Lake Ray Hubbard, TX
Comment :   Doing right is always its own reward--
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Name :   laura
location :   toronto
Comment :   Hi. Thank you for such a great site. I am living proof that false memories are real--albeit in a different context. Last year, I went of my medication ( I have bipolar disorder), and during a manic episode, told people about outragous abuse that had happe
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Name :   Antha Darnell
location :   Dallas, TX
Comment :   Our family has been devastated by the so-called repressed memories of my daughter about her Father and of course me, her Mother, for allowing atrocities to take place. Could someone that has survived this sort of thing please contact me. I need to know ho
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Name :   Cynthia
location :   Montreal, Québec
Comment :   I would just like to say, that I believe my mother is experiencing false memories, but i can not get her to admit it. She is trying to get her many psychologists to diagnose her as disabled so that she can get money back from the government. I wish she wo
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Name :   Roma Elizabeth Hart
location :   Winnipeg, Canada
Comment :   On March 9/04 my MPD therapy case against Dr.Colin Ross makes its first appearance before the Winnipeg Court of Queens Bench; his lawyers have filed a Motion to Strike. It is probable that the Judge has never seen a case like mine. I am putting a call out
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Name :   Janet MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA
Comment :   I missed my daughter this Christmas but I have other children and grandchildren. Laura has to come home when she is ready. She will be welcome as always
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Name :   Roma Elizabeth Hart
location :   Winnipeg, Canada
Comment :   Our FMS support group is getting together for another Christmas lunch, my little girl loves her adopted grandparents there. Have a merry Christmas!
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Name :   Will Cooper
location :   Las Colinas
Comment :   Wishing Laura, those still accusing, and those still being accused, and yes, the offending therapists too, a very blessed Christmas!
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Name :   Herman Ohme
location :   South Texas, USA
Comment :   I LOVE YOU LAURA PASLEY..... You are my hero, soulmate, and friend for life. You are also an inspiration to families around the world. Herman Ohme
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Name :   Don
location :   Christchurch NZ
Comment :   Sad to see the necessity for such a sight. Can only hope and wish that many of those who were captivated and had their innocence stolen by counsellors and psychologists will find it in their hearts to also recant. It isnt a characteristic of those in New
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Name :   Anna
location :   Portand, OR
Comment :   Great Website! My father and grandfather are currently being accused of sexually abusing two of my cousins. We know that they are false allegations, and have found out that the therapist is currently being sued by another family. My cousins family still g
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Name :   Laura Pasley
location :   home
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Name :   Laura Pasley - the only real Web Master
location :   Dallas Texas
Comment :   Just checking in. You all are very interesting. For the comment about being pressured to retract - could not be further from the truth. The only pressure I had was out the door with the toxic therapy. Ten years after my settlement with said therapist, I a
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Name :   Janet S. MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA
Comment :   Hello again, I am looking at my Valentines Day card from my other daughter Jenny. She is my bright light along with her two brothers Jim and Chris. My card says Love bugs give love hugs Jenny is a sweetheart and so is Laura my lost one.
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Name :   Jennifer Pasley
location :   Dallas, Tx.
Comment :   I am so proud of my mom!!!
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Name :   Janet MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA
Comment :   It takes a lot of courage to reconnect after so many long years. I wonder if my daughter is in good health and if she is happy. Laura lives in Seattle and has changed her name. What an ugly destructive thing RMT has spawned. Parents accused of unspeakable
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Name :   Paul Randolph
location :   Lubbock, TX
Comment :   I was very interested in your story. I think I met you at one of the meetings of FMSF, probably the one in Houston. My son accused me, my wife and his older brother of sexual abuse. We have not heard from him since 1990. Fortunately, we have 5 other child
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Name :   Janet S. MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA 01541
Comment :   My favorite part of the FSMSF Newsletter is the letters from the parents and children. The site is Michael stands out. Take care.
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Name :   Donald William McDonald
location :   Reno,Nev.
Comment :   hello from Reno....I'm still waiting for the return of my two daugters from their Rmt almost 11 years ago. I know Melody as she was my state advocate in 92..this is painful nonsense and unjust..write me when you can and I'd love to e-mail Melody if you kn
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Comment :   The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a front org. not to be trusted. If you read some of the older stuff generated by the foundation, it would make you hair stand on end. There were secret tunnels at Mc Martin, confirmed by an ex-FBI agent and a profes
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Name :   Laura Pasley
location :   
Comment :   Dear Aly, I wish you well. In a few years, give me a call. You will probably need a lawyer. Laura "I just came here to get some info. I'll be starting RMT therapy in the next few weeks."
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Name :   Sheila Skitt
location :   Doncaster
Comment :   Our daughter accused both my husband and I of sexuel abuse ten years ago after several years of therapy.Thankfully she is now very much back with us,and we have a strong bond with our grandchildren.She knows now how her therapist slowly perverted her memo
URL if any :   freeserve
Name :   Janet MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA
Comment :   We raised our daughter's to be trusting, honest and vulnerable. Their trust was taken advantage of by therapists with an agenda. I know my daughter was not abused and that is enough for me. She will be welcome. I love her.
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Name :   Rosebud
location :   Ft.Lauderdale
Comment :   I considered my daughter to be evil or unhinged - I have come to believe that she was truly brainwashed and her belief system is flawed. She has made overtures for a reconciliation but she has a forgive and forget attitude, which is unacceptable to me. Af
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Name :   sisplo
location :   PA
Comment :   I am sorry for your pain.
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Name :   Janet S. MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA
Comment : has deleted my book review of The Courage to Heal. I guess they are unable to accept that the book has done a lot of families a great deal of harm. They keep deleting negative reviews. I guess they only believe in freedom of speech for Amazon.
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Name :   webmaster
location :   home of the free and the brave
Comment :   Melodie, I assume your name is a pseudonym. Thank you for giving us your assumed reason for why so many are retracting their "former" believed-in memories derived from therapy, and returning to honor their parents whom they once again choose to love.
URL if any :   02/11/02
Name :   Melodie Kate
location :   Washington
Comment :   It is so sad that a family can mean so much that many are pressured or forced by their missing their siblings or other family members into retracting their memories. I grieve for all of you. May your life be well and good until you are whole again.
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Name :   Tammy Collums
location :   Carrier, Ok. outside of Enid.
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Name :   Nancy Drew
location :   VA
Comment :   good web site!
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Name :   Aly
location :   Ontario, Canada
Comment :   I just came here to get some info. I'll be starting RMT therapy in the next few weeks.
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Name :   Janet S. MacDonald
location :   Princeton, MA USA
Comment :   My daughter has still not contacted her family and we miss her so much. Her "memories" are of abuse that never happened. I worry about her all the time. I don't know if she is sick or broke or needs help. I want to give her a hug and tell her I love her.
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Name :   webmaster
location :   anyplace, usa
Comment :   all sincere comments concerning recovered memory are welcome
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