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Welcome to Rainbow River




"Simply The Best"


Welcome to my Parlor!

 Come in, my Dahlings,Dancing Ferret
                 And let me show you my weasels!


Owner and Proprietor: Elle Jensen

E-Mail me

Established in 1994, Rainbow River Ferretry is a small, private ferretry. We keep, show and love our ferrets, who occasionally gift us with a lovely litter or two of kits. All of our ferrets live with us in our home as beloved family members.  We are partial to Dark-Eyed Whites and Dark-Eyed White Patterns, such as Stripes (sort of a reverse skunk) and Dalmatians. Our Dalmatian breeding program is still in its infancy, so stay tuned. We also have several lines of Swedish, German and New Zealand imported ferrets, who are robust and friendly!

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Our breeding program is very strict. We breed for soundness of conformation, longevity, health and temperament. We also travel to many, many ferret shows, and have received several "Best in Show" awards for our ferret. (why yes, we are proud!)

Our kits are raised in a home environment with early socialization and training well under way when they arrive in their new homes. We pay strict attention to all aspects of our kits' health and personality. They frolic and play with our two dogs, Roxanne, who is a Bernese Mountain Dog with questionable heritage and the title of "Meanest Dog in the World" (she thinks, anyway!), and Dov, who is a Borzoi and blonde (need we say more?)

When we place kits they are already altered and vaccinated. They all have Health Certificates and Genetic Health Guarantees.

We do not deal with pet shops!

Call or e-mail for more information

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1-(616) 538-2318

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