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Poems, Proverbs and Reflections About Our Ancestors and Us

In this section I would like to share some poems, articles or just tid bits of information that have come to me from here and there.

The following is a shortened version of a list that I recieved from another Hubbard researcher, author unknown.

You Know You're Taking Genealogy Too Seriously If....

While doing research in the Pipestone, MN 1905 High School Annual (my greatgrandfather was the School Board President) I found, at the bottom of the page under a section about the faculty, some jokes and bits of humor. The following came from this 1905 High Scool Annual:

Was He Guilty?
Ella: Howard stole a kiss last night.
Elizabeth: That was petty larceny.
Ella: Oh, no! It was grand.

If you've been working on your genealogy for more than a short time you're probably already addicted. If you've just started getting into Genealogy, it won't be long before you start logging on before you start cleaning up!
Here is a partial list of taglines sent to the Thomas mailing list, the originator assured me it was okay to place some of may favorites here. They really hit home for me and I hope you get a chuckle out of them. It's okay to use them as you will.

Friends come and go, but relatives tend to accumulate.
Genealogists collect dead relatives.
Genealogists are like monkeys, always in the trees.
Genealogists are time unravelers.
I shook my family tree, a bunch of nuts fell out!
Genealogy: Chasing your own tale.
Genealogy: It's all relative in the end anyway.
Genealogy: Where you confuse the dead and irritate the living.
Genealogy: Where one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole barrel!
Gene Police! YOU! **Out of the Pool!**
Genealogy - It's only an obsession after all!
Genealogy - Will I ever find time to mow the lawn again?
I trace family history so I will know who to blame.
Genealogy is like Hide and Seek: They Hide and I Seek!!
I'm not stuck, I'm Ancestrally challenged.
I used to have a life, then I started doing genealogy.
Geneaolgy is contagious - seldom fatal!
Whoever said "Seek and Ye shall find" was NOT a genealogist!
Genealogy: Search long enough and EVERYONE connects somehow.
God gave us relatives, luckily we can choose our friends.
He ain't heavy--He's my brother's aunt's sister's husband.
I collect dead relatives and sometimes a live cousin!
Hunting season is all year long in genealogy.
If your family tree doesn't fork, you might be a redneck.
My problems are all relative.
Only a Genealogist regards a step backward as progress!
Searching for roots beats chasing dust bunnies!
What do you mean my grandparents didn't have any kids!?!
I finally got it all together. Now where did I put it?
When you search for ancestors, you find great friends!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Remember When ....
A computer was something on TV from a science fiction show of note,
a window was something you hated to clean, ram was the cousin of a goat,
Meg was the name of my girlfriend, and a gig was a job for the night?

Now they all mean different things, and that really mega bytes.
An application was for employment, a program was a TV show,
a cursor used profanity, a keyboard was a piano,
memory was something that you lost with age,
a cd was a bank account, and if you had a 3 1/2" floppy,
you hoped nobody found out.

Compress was something you did to the garbage not something you did to a file,
and if you unzipped anything in public you'd be in jail for a while.
Log on was adding wood to the fire, hard drive was a long trip on the road,
a mouse pad was where a mouse lived, and a backup happened to your commode.
Cut you did with a pocket knife, paste you did with glue.
A web was a spider's home, and a virus was the flu.

I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper and the memory in my head.
I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash,
but when it happens they'll wish they were dead.

Many thanks to Bruce Woods on the Bundy Mail list for passing this along to the list.

The poem, "Dear Ancestor", was thoughtfully sent to Hubbard researchers by Susan Reynolds.

If you have a short poem, bit of humor or odd bit of information that you would like to share,
please send it to me. Email Me Now