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Peppy - 01/30/00 23:32:20
My URL:http:/pages.prodigy.net/pattypeppy/
My Email:pattypeppy@prodigy.net

I am an Allen descendant. My grandmother was Betty Jane Allen who married Wm. Clint Creech. Please visit my site.

Nancy - 01/16/00 00:46:41
My Email:yennekbynak@yahoo.com

Hi Lauri! How ya been? Long time no talk to. I need to get going with my genealogy again. Care to help? Let me know. Bye!

Carolyn Frerking - 12/24/99 14:49:04
My Email:cfrerking@yahoo.com

Good looking book and good info. I am jealous because your Hubbards fit so nicely into all the history I have also found. My Asa King (1787) and Moses are relatives but I'm not sure how. Asa may be a brother of Joseph. Both are from KY / NC. Good hunting! br>
goodson - 11/27/99 02:33:13
My Email:goodson@lakecountry.net

Beautiful place, we lived in Arizona for about 15 years, around phoenix, Mesa, Chandler area

Karen Ashton Keen - 10/07/99 19:24:47
My Email:kakeen@portup.com

Ashton was my maiden name and I am interested in starting to do a family tree. I have no idea how to start. Is it very expensive to do? Your site is very nice! Thanks, Karen Ashton Keen

lurla c. harris - 06/15/99 13:53:40
My Email:lharris@emh2.sc.army.mil

Great Page! Came looking for Hubbard connection - my great grandfather was Newton Hubbard. I too have heard of the Cherokee connection, but have no idea if he was part of that family. Keep up the good work!

Dave Morse - 06/07/99 23:36:59
My Email:morsedc@aol.com

Nice website! I was pleased to see Morse in England. I have information on the Morse line that goes back generations further to the Hundred Years War(1337-1453).As they say, it would have been a pretty good century if it hadn't been for the hundred years ar...(genealogy joke).Let me know if you'd like more of this.(data, that is)

Kirsten Crosson - 05/25/99 18:40:06
My Email:crosson5@earthlink.net

Hi- Im doule whammied with MORSE- in 1785 Joseph SHATTUCK m. Abigail MORSE, in 1843, his grandson Walter m. Betsey MORSE...all in MA. If I ever sort it out, I'll be back to tell you! Great work-congrats on the si

Don DeLise - 05/23/99 09:53:04
My Email:ddelise@libby.org

Nice job! I was interested in your Morse data; I am remotely attached to the James Morse you have and my wife is a direct from Anthony Morse. Thanks, Don DeLise

Barbara Ragan - 05/07/99 02:05:02
My Email:raganb@lvnworth.com


Keesler Family Site - 04/28/99 21:15:26
My URL:http://public.surfree.com/rkees/
My Email:rkees@surfree.com

Hi, Cuz.. have page(s) up & running! Descendants of Reynard A. PIGG Child: xii. Benjamin L. PIGG son i. William Renard PIGG

Carol G. Cottle - 04/17/99 00:30:33
My Email:mscottle@brushco.net

I have several questions concerning your information on Stephen and Sarah(Sally Turner) Cottle. I have different parents than yours. It will be interesting getting it sorted out. Please, let me know where you are coming from!!

Gil Bundy - 04/09/99 23:31:37
My Email:gbundy1@midsouth.rr.com

I like your site, can see that you have put a lot of effort into it. I have some info on the Bundy family, perhaps we can share it. My line extends from William Bundy in England. Waiting to hear from you. Gil

Gil Bundy - 03/24/99 17:21:56
My Email:topsgt1546@aol.com

Just got a quik look at your site. I is very vell done. Will get back to you later with some info on my Bundy line. It may help you some.

Thaddeus F. BOLINGER - 03/18/99 18:39:24
My Email:TBOLIN4690@aol.com

I have an Aunt Doris (ALLEN) PEER, who lives in Syracuse, Ny area, not sure just where, and I know she had a brother named Arthur ALLEN, who was killed in War somewhere. If my mememory serves my correctly the ALLEN's migrated to Ononadoga Co, NY from St L wrence Co. I am researching RAY-SHERTRAW-McINTOSH in Rossie Twp & Gouverneur Cty, NY. Liked your home page. Don't have my own yet. Good hunting Ted BOLINGER St Pete, Fl

Earl Pigg - 03/18/99 13:05:03
My Email:E. Pigg/denison education


Cathy Pickard - 02/08/99 19:47:21
My Email:ckyddle1@aol.com

Dear Laurie, I really enjoyed visiting your web page. I'm researching the Allen family in AL but they also have connections to Allen's in TX...stumped on Memory Allen who was born around 1820's? Where/ when, who his parent's were? Hopefully someone out there i connected to him and can help fill in the blanks! Keep up the great work!!!

Nancy Kenney - 01/24/99 15:53:33
My URL:http://????????????????
My Email:yennekbynakk@yahoo.com

This is a great page! I didn't get to look at all of it yet, I am supposed to be teaching a Primary class in about 10 minutes, and I am not dressed yet and I wanted to do something on the computer for it first, so I better go. By the way, the http://???? means I don't know what all that is yet!!!!! BYE! PS I am very impressed!

Gerrie Macomber - 12/31/98 18:29:13
My Email:gerrie@ma.ultranet.com

Wonderful file. I was able to add a great deal to my files on Allen's. Thanks for all the work you have done.

Emma Cronin - 12/15/98 18:03:50
My Email:ENC6@aol.com

Thanks so much for such a lovely web page.

Jeff Look - 11/30/98 06:37:28
My Email:lookbennett@sprynet.com

You have a very interesting and well designed site. I don't know much about my Look roots before the turn of this century. My grandfather was Hilmer D. Look who was born in the Sacremento CA area in 1895. He had an older sister, Rachel, born about five or six years earlier. They were the children of a Dr. H.H. (Hallick Hart) Look. I have no idea when he was born or where. If you have a line on my grandfather or great grandfather, Dr. H.H. Look, I would love to know. Thanks.

Nancy McCombs - 11/28/98 16:19:44
My Email:nmccombs@si-net.com

Laura, lovely home page. I was looking for infor on James ASHTON b. 1524 in St. Albans, H, England. Name of his wife, when they married. Maybe you'll work back that far from your good start. Keep up the good work! Nancy

Lindsey Sherman - 11/19/98 00:27:07
My Email:bandnerd99@yahoo.com

This is a really cool webpage.

Nancy Brown - 11/17/98 21:19:44
My Email:browns@istar.ca

Looking for Thomas Hector Ratcliffe born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Estimate for time of birth: 1850-1875 Moved to Ontario, Canada and married Miriam Ann Preece.

D. Music - 11/17/98 03:06:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/5564
My Email:music@accnorwalk.com

VERY nice website indeed. Very impressive. My Mother was a Ratliff (Kentucky).I do have some 1800 Ratliff Marriages on my website, plus a little more. Thanks

Ray A. Look, Jr. - 11/13/98 01:06:04
My Email:raylook@cwws.net


JoAn Elkins - 11/08/98 02:16:51
My Email:joean@pldi.net

I'm afraid that I was not able to find what I wanted to look at. Maybe I was misunderstanding the different area's. Anyway I will e-mail and ask you what I wanted to know.

joan beach little - 11/03/98 15:47:07
My Email:jblittle@worldpath.net

Don't know when you ever find time to do this plus working. I have 2 cats. No dogs. Will be in touch. Have added this site to my Favorites list. Lik the poetry, etc. May send poems that you might find suitable. Pictures of animals nice. Seems to be nicely arranged. Joan in NH

Joyce Cary Hopkins - 10/28/98 05:51:38
My Email:joyce.hopkins@gte.net


Krista Allen - 10/27/98 03:09:53
My Email:Atsirka@aol.om

well,what i was trying to do was get some info on the the orgin of the Allen name,i understand that it is english and that the guy was from Normandy and came over with the Conquerer,so I saw my last name and thought you might give me some info on the orgi of the name Allen,i would really be happy!
**Krista, email address returned .om/.com--I have sent your question to Rootsweb Allen mailing list-will post if I receive an answer. Lauri

Brandy M. Miller - 10/21/98 15:57:03
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BMMiller
My Email:brandymiller@usa.net

I'm impressed with your website and glad to have met you. The url I included is for my genealogy site. Please visit if you get a chance :)

kathie karpinen - 10/20/98 04:01:23
My Email:kathiek@doitnow.com

Laurie, Great job!

William Glenn Bundy - 10/18/98 22:58:14
My Email:elbundo@sbtek.net

Hi You have a great webpage. Bill

Roberta YEOMAN - 10/13/98 17:59:37
My Email:ryeoman@jps.net

I read with interest your page. I was surprised to find the names Morse, Hubbard and Iowa together. My ggrandfather was Ezra Morse, my ggrandmother, Rhoda Morse. Married in Iowa.

Carol Harbushka - 10/07/98 21:54:18
My Email:charbushka@earthlink.net

Hi Cousin! Your home page looks wonderful! Can't wait to see the finished product...

Kamryn - 10/06/98 22:36:05
My Email:kamryn@usa.net

Hi auntie- just checking out the latest. It looks very cool. Are the Morse's of the Samuel Morse family too?

Joanne Johnston - 10/06/98 21:39:32
My Email:olga@thesanjuans.com

My son, Keith Johnston, just emailed me about you being related to Thomas Stone. It is the first time I have found a distant relative on the internet. You have a very nice Web Page. I am the genealogist in the family and now Keith is quite interested i it. I am certain you have revived his interest. Thanks. My husband and I are getting ready to go to Tucson for the winter. We are snowbirds and I agree with you, AZ is a great place. Joanne

Keith Johnston - 10/05/98 14:22:47
My Email:keithj@eig.com

Thanks for your help.

10/04/98 11:17:29
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Dan Ashton - 09/26/98 05:06:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/2835
My Email:Dan-Ashton@worldnet.att.net

Hi Lauri, After checking out your Ashton genealogy, I could not find any matches. Samuel Ashton came to Rochester, NY in 1835 from Derbyshire England. I find his father Thomas, baptised there in 1761 and his grandfather was Abraham. Prior to 1761 I think they c me from elswhere in England but not sure. Perhaps we match up earlier in the tree. Thanks for stopping by my home page. Dan

Kari Ashton - 09/25/98 17:37:28
My Email:Kari.Ashton@bubbs.biola.edu

I came to check in. I like what youve done with the place. Love Kari

Kamryn Fleetham - 09/24/98 15:19:51
My Email:Kamryn@usa.net

Hi auntie! This is really cool. Way to go- Now I must get back to check it out. Love ya- Kammie

Patti Ashton - 09/24/98 14:58:06
My Email:Ashton256@aol.com

YOu must be up all night doing this. Are you getting any sleep??

Patti Ashton - 09/24/98 14:56:02
My Email:Ashton256@aol.com

Great work!! For some reason I kept getting error messages between pages?? Looks good! I wasn't able to get in very easily but that is probably because I didn't know how.?//

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