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   Denice's   Easy "HTML" Guide

This page won't be a complete guide on HTML. But it will give you enough information to be well on your way to publishing your own webpage.
I realize that there are many folks out there with more experience that do things differently. But I am sharing what I have learned and what works for me.

What does HTML mean?

 It stands for "HyperText Markup Language"

In laymens terms, for you and me...that just means it is
the "language" that a computer speaks :)

~~NOTE: I put my pages together on my "COMPOSER" and I then upload them to geoCities. Most of these HTML codes are already in my Editor. But I use certian codes to go in and "FINE TUNE" my pages before I link them to any other pages. And it is good to know these codes in case you want to make changes.

There is a series of number and letter codes for every command, font color, and action that is performed in a webapage. There are many of the codes that I have not yet learned. But I will share with you the ones I DO know.

ALL html codes are surrounded by
< and >
These little brackets are what makes the codes themselves become "invisible"
For example the words in this little box are bright pink. But in computer language, bright pink looks like this:
< font face= comic sans ms" > < font color="#FF0080" > < font size= +1 >
When you want a sentence or graphic to be centered, you will type this:
< center >< img src = " your graphic name " >< /center >

and it will appear on your webpage like this:

 To make your graphic align to the left you would type:
< img src= "your image name" align=left >
and it would appear like this:
Or to make it align right you'd type:
< img src="your graphic name" align=right" > to get this: 

Sometimes when I upload my pages, they do not stay "SPACED" the way I had them on the Composer. SO I use these 2 codes to make a seperation between graphics and sentences, etc.

By typing a < br > this makes  the current line end and a new one begin

By typing a < p > this makes the current line end, a blank line, and then a new line to begin

Some Basic Color Codes





Country Blue="#4358A3"




Light Blue="#00CCFF"


Brick Red="#990000"



By typing out different font styles and colors and then
clicking on VIEW---PAGE SOURCE this will bring up your page in HTML CODE. You can then see all the CODES for everything you have added on the page.

(I call this "looking at my page INSIDE OUT":)

To make your letters BOLD type this code < b >
To make your letters ITALICS type this code < I >
To make your letters BOLD and ITALICS type both code < b >< I >

To add the new GeoCities Geoguide add this code wherever you want the image to appear. (I place mine at the top above my banner)
< center >< !--#geoguide-- >< /center >

~NOTE: To end any action you must type a / into the code like above~

To add a COUNTER at the end of your page type in the following code:

< center >< img src="/cgi-bin/counter/1" >< /center >

The number 1 at the end of the code would apply to your FIRST page. Then it would be 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on.

~Do you see how the "quotation marks" are around most objects and commands?

You will also notice that I have spaced all the example codes and the brackets apart. If I place them together they will be invisible on the page. When you actually add them you must allow NO SPACES between letters, numbers, brackets, etc

Many folks have asked me how to add music to their pages.
Well here is how I do it:

Type the Following above the HEAD in your html File:

< embed src= "howbeautiful.mid" autostart=true loop=true volume=50 width width=51 height=15 controls=small console > < BGSOUND SRC= "howbeautiful.mid" >

This will play the song "How Beautiful". You would change that part of the code, depending on what song or midi you were playing.


Note From Me
This is NOT intended to be a 
complete listing of HTML 
This is not a Guide for Pros
This is intended to be a
to the average person who wants 
to have their own Homepage.
As I learn more, I will add more.
Thanks GeoCities for the Free Space
and for making it easy for
all of us "Learners"
Below, I have listed some other websites that offer "Computer Help"
 Annie's HTML and Computer HELPS
Annie's Computer Hints Page
 Annie's Simple Guide to Home Page Design Page
  Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots

HTML for Dummies!


This is my friend Jennifer's site. She does wonderful
Custom Graphics Like my mailbox below!

Did I not answer your question?Send me an E~Mail

I will do my best to help you find the answer!

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Copyright, 1998 Denice Whitaker