Mission To Ventanilla, Peru
June 21 thru July 1 2000
My husband Alan was a member of a team of 23 men and women that went  to
Ventanilla, Peru on June 21, 2000.
Many of you are the precious prayer warrior's on whom we so greatly depended.
And several of you have been so gracious to help with the financial support of this mission.
So this page will serve as a means to keep everyone up to date on the happenings...before, during and after.
This page was the first page that was created for information prior to the trip.
If you have already visited this first page you will want to visit the links below
for more current information:
Alan's Missions Journal
He kept a journal each night while he was in Peru
so that he could record events and thoughts while it was all fresh in his mind. And as his emotions were reeling for quite a while after his return home he continued to write out his thoughts and memories. This trip was as Alan put it, a "life changing experience". So read what the Lord taught him through this trip. I think you will be blessed.
Stories From Ventanilla
Alan as well as other members of the team have shared so many wonderful stories of their experiences while in Peru. Some of them are "heart-warming" while others are "heart-wrenching".
We pray that your heart will be blessed through the stories of blessings shared... and we pray that you will be inspired to get involved in missions in some way through the stories of great need.
A lesson that the Lord has been teaching me
through this trip and also a wonderful book I've been reading 
If you are new to our "Peru Mission" Webpage you will want to first read through
this page and then visit the links above, so that you can experience the trip
from the beginning to the end! :o)
Thank You so much for your interest in missions.
Please consider supporting missions in some way...
through prayer, finances or the gift of your time.
"The Harvest is plenty but the workers are few"
The "Good News" of Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves!!
I Pray God's Richest Blessings Upon You and Your's.
By His Grace... Always,
Ventanilla, Peru
(the "V" is pronounced as a soft "B" and the "LL" as a "Y")

Here are some "journal entries" entered before the trip:

May 3, 2000
We had our first meeting tonight for everyone going on the mission trip to Peru and their spouses. It was very interesting. I knew that poverty was a serious problem there but I don't think I realized just HOW severe it is until I saw the slides presentation tonight. It is unbelievable!!! Our worst, poorest neighborhoods in the states is better than their richest people's homes! Most "houses" are made up of whatever scraps could be found...cardboard, scrap wood, plastic sheeting, sheet metal, etc. They have not had rain in more than 4 years and there is NO grass to be seen....just mud and dirt. There is a "Lepers Colony" there near Ventanilla where Alan's team will also be going to minister to the needs of those people. It used to be a hospital for Leperosy sufferers..but then money was gone and so they closed the hospital several years ago (15 or more) but the lepers had no place to go...and so they just stayed there...and they've raised families there. But even the family members...the children and young people...who do NOT suffer from leperosy...are still discriminated against just for being associated with the colony and their leperous family members. It is so very very sad. There are so many beautiful children there that have NOTHING. They are not able to go to school in many cases because they are from the Lepers Colony and no one will accept them. One man there has no legs and is confined to an old worn-out wheelchair. He has no way to make a one will hire a leper to do ANYTHING...and so when the missionaries come they give him individually wrapped candies and he wheels himself to the edge of town and sells the piece at a time. That is how he makes his living. The property this Lepers Colony is on has been deserted for many many one wanted it. But suddenly a lot of growth has taken place all around this property and so now the government has decided it has value. So they are attempting to throw the Lepers out. But they have NO PLACE to go. So far they have been able to stand their ground. But we don't know how long this will last. Please pray for the precious people in this Lepers colony...that God will provide and protect for them.
   In a small muddy yard in Ventanilla is where Alan's team will be building a church. THis is a town of hundreds and hundreds of people....most who have NEVER even heard the name of Jesus Christ. But we have a resident missionary..."Willie" and his wife "Claire" and their daughter...and they are working hard to spread the Good News of Jesus to the people there. Slowly the numbers are growing...more and more people are beginning to come to this little yard to hear Willie preach each Sunday. But they have no protection from the very intense heat and sun that beats down on this South American town. So our people will be seeking to meet this need...this need that to us seems so basic....something we take for granted...our beautiful church buildings with carpeting and air conditioning and nice padded pews. Please pray for the building process and that God will provide all the needed supplies and workers and also protection and safety for each person there.
   In addition to the building...our team will be reaching out to the people of Ventanilla. Margie...a dear friend will be doing lots of Arts and Crafts with the women and children...something that these people enjoy immensly. We have others who will share their musical gifts and our Pastor will be preaching.
   I would really appreciate your PRAYERS for this whole mission. I am going to copy and paste much of what I've typed to you here and start a webpage where I can post updates from time to time. Our Team will be leaving Cincinnati on June 21 around 7pm. Pray for their safety as they travel there too. I am asking all my friends and family to support this mission trip...and my husband...through prayer. Prayer plays such a vital role in the work of Christ. Thanks so much for being there...and for your faithfulness to always hold up my familes needs. You are such a blessing in my life.

June 7, 2000  Meeting #2
This was basically a briefing to hand out flight info. and to discuss a few last minute details.
The team was also told some updates about some of the dear people of Ventanilla. I wanted to share this info. here for our prayer warriors.
There is a young woman there living in a tiny shack who suffers with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Rheumatic Fever. Her joints are twisted and very painful...she suffers a great deal of pain everyday and there is NO MEDICINE there to treat her pain. About 2 weeks ago another missions team went to see her. This team included some medical doctors and nurses. The did what little they could to make her comfortable but one doctor left her home in tears. The "bed" that this woman sleeps on is nothing more than a very old, torn, dirty mattress that someone had thrown away.
Remember, I told you about the Lepers Colony? Well, 2 weeks ago when the last team went there for a visit, they discovered something that has really burdened my heart. There are 9 of the lepers there who are suffering with severe "flesh eating" infections on their feet. THey have no skin on the bottoms of their feet...just open wounds. There is a man in the colony who is not a nurse or doctor but he attempts to treat these precious peoples feet. He gently cleans their wounds, digging and cutting away at the infected tissue attempting to rid them of the infection. He has little in the way of supplies...sometimes rewashing bandages and reapplying them...and afterwards these dear people are forced to put their painful, swollen feet back into their single pair of old, dirty, worn-out shoes. They have no crutches and no wheelchairs although they need them desperately.
   Please pray for these specific needs. There are so many many more stories like these and I will share what I can. purpose for doing so is because I am counting on you to PRAY FERVENTLY for the needs of these people and for our team that will have 10 short days to minister to them. Please Pray!!!

June 21, 2000 9:30pm.

I just returned from the Cincinnati Airport. The team had to be there by 3pm. and the plane didn't take off till almost 7pm. so I couldn't bear to be away from my "hubby" any more than I had to! (smile...)
The team had prayer together at the church before leaving for the airport, along with several folks from the church who had come to gather just for that purpose. Someone mentioned to me that they could just actually FEEL that they were bathed in prayer for this whole trip. I shared with them all of YOU who have committed to prayer for the team and for the people of Ventanilla.
Everything went smoothly at the airport. Only one person had one suitcase over the weight limit of 70# but that was quickly remedied when others began to take his "over-limit stuff" and MAKE ROOM in their lighter bags. They were ALREADY working together as a team!!
The team was so excited!! It was something that everyone could sense. God has given them a passion to do His Will in Peru and they were all just "chompin at the bit" to get started! I miss my husband...but I am so thrilled for him that he is getting this opportunity to serve the Lord this way. I am expecting the Lord to do great things in him and through him.

June 22, 2000 4pm.
I received a phone call from one of the other wives here in the states. She talked with a Delta Airline Rep. sometime this morning and was told that their flight landed safely in Lima, Peru around 4:30 this morning Peru time (5:30am. Ohio Time). God is good. He has called them for this mission and He will equip them and protect them as they seek to follow His voice.

July 1,2000
They will be home around 8pm. tonight. I am so anxious, #1-to see my husband! I've missed him so much! And #2- I look so forward to hearing about all the stories and miracles that God did through them and for them. I know that all our "church family" that is still here in OH. is looking forward to our church service in the morning. I am sure it will be a time of sharing and praising. I will post updates, photos and info. here next week. ~dgw
Sincere Thanks and Appreciation!~ 
I would like to send out a sincere thanks to the Beilke Family, the Flanagan Family and the Boehmer Family for their financial support for this mission. Without your help we could not have been able to purchase all the extra supplies that Alan will be taking with him for the people of Peru.  
With your help he has been able to add the following to his packing list: 

*crayons and coloring books for the children 
*prepackaged candies for the children and for a man in the lepers    colony who sells the individual pieces outside the city gates to support his family 
*bandages, alcohol swabs, premoistened towelettes, medical tape, antibiotic ointment for the man treating the feet of the lepers 
*amputee socks and liners for a double amputee in the lepers colony 
*baby sleepers, undershirts, receiving blankets for the needy mothers 
*bottles of lotion for the severe dry skin of the lepers 
*extra clothing for various men and women  
*approx. 100 sterile syringes (used for irigation of wounds, dispension of medications, etc.)  
*20 pair of mens and women's socks  
*several articles of men's clothing 

As you pray, please pray for each team member by name: 

Alan W., Allan H., Michelle, Margie, Aarron, Elbert, Sheridan, Rodney, Amber, Donna, Harold, Roma Lee, Kenneth, John, Jeannie, Terry, Jennifer, John P., Larry, Mike, Craig, Brenda, Greg. 

Pray for the safety and provision for each team member. 
Ask God to minister to each of their hearts so that they can better minister to the needs of the Peruvian people they come in contact with. 

Pray for Flight Safety 
Departure, June 21: leave Cinti. 6:55p   Arrive Lima, Peru 4:00am. 
(Approximate 1 hour bus trip from Lima to Ventanilla) 

Return to Concinnati, July 1 
Depart Lima, Peru 7:55am., Arrive Cincinnati 7:46pm. 

*Pray that all will go well through customs/immigrations for both trips

Other Pages About The Trip:
Alan's Missions Journal
Entries from Alan's personal journal
Stories From Ventanilla
Here we share lots of the stories of how God used
our team members to minister to the people of
Ventanilla and how God used the people of
Ventanilla to teach our team members many valuable lessons.
A lesson that the Lord has been teaching me
through this trip and also a wonderful book I've been reading
Thank you for your interest in this mission trip.
We attend
Millville Ave. Church of God
(of Anderson, Indiana)
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