My Family Album
 While you're waiting for the photo's to load
why not say a prayer for someone in your family!
I have shared so much of my heart
through my webpages, so I 
decided I would share just a bit more.
Meet my family
                     My beautiful Daughters:       The Love of my Life, ALan and me
               Erin Leigh (back)                              April 1998
               Emma LeAnne (left)
               April Lane (right)
                September 1997
(All thats missing from these photo's is our spoiled
little dogs, "Allie" our Yorkie and "Mason" our Shih Tzu)
What do we like to do as a Family?
Mom and Dad enjoy browsing through Antique Shops and Flea Markets and we love restoring our 1914 Victorian Home.
The girls are a big help with that!
We all enjoy watching good family movies together or going to the "Drive In Movie" just outside town.
We like to lay on a blanket in our backyard and read or look at the stars.  And our church is VERY a important part of our lives.
You can see photo's of our new Church Building that we have helped to build by clicking here:
~Meet Our Extended Family~
This is a favorite photo (above) of me (center)
with 2 of my younger sisters,
Sharon on the left and Wendi on the right...
BOTH of whom are expecting!!!
LEFT: Me (sititng) with my other sister DeAnna on the left,
My Dad in the center and Mom on the right. (Mothers Day '97)
CENTER: My precious Father and Mother-in-LOVE :), Audie and Wanda
RIGHT: This is a favorite photo of mine of April (age 5) and Erin (age 2)
(wish you could really see the cute little faces :)
Read about my "SoulMate" and my devotional for Christian Couples
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You're listening to a new song I wrote entitled, "You Knew All Along". Music, by Chris Hood. ©2000

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