April's Poetry Corner 
Hello. My name is April and I am 15
years old. I love writing and reading poetry
so I have created this page to SHARE
my passion for Poetry with you.
This is a bit hard to read, but the Lord blessed
me by allowing me to have one of my Poems
Published in a compilation of Poetry by the
"Poetry Guild". So my local Newspaper
featured this little ad.
"For from Him and through Him 
and to Him are ALL things.
To Him be the Glory Forever! Amen"
Romans 11:36
By April Lane Whitaker
Alone you stand, no one's around
A silent tear falls on the ground
You didn't see me standing here,
I came along to wipe the tear
No one has ever held your hand
But now I'm here and I understand
Have Faith and trust and believe in me
There's a lock on your Heart But I have the Key 
"What a Friend we have in Jesus"
What a Friend we have in Jesus
All Our Sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Hymn, written by Joseph Scriven
"Daddy's Girl"
She imitated all he did, and never left his side
He loved her more than life itself,
She was his Joy and Pride
*  *  *
She was Daddy's girl and his alone
A special bond no one could own.
When he held her hand and squeezed it tight
She knew everything would be alright.
*  *  *
Before he knew it the day had come for her to be a Bride
He was happy for his little girl but yet he sadly cried
*  *  *
Down the aisle they made their way
As Daddy wiped his tears away
*  *  *
She held his hand and squeezed it tight
and he knew everything would be alright.
*   *   *   *   *
By April Lane Whitaker, June 1998
Written for 
Christmas '96
I am the Mother and 
You are the Child
The first time I looked at you
You looked at me and smiled
The Unbearable Pain
I felt just moments ago
Is now replaced with a feeling
Only a Mother could know
We held you close
Your Dad and I
We were filled with Joy
And yet started to cry
These moments were happy
These moments were true
These moments were short
For there were only a few
For you grew up fast
Into a strong man
to fulfill God's wonderful
Great plan
You helped people give
Instead of receive
You helped people to live
And to believe...
Many will go to Heaven Someday
Because you taught us how to pray
Does time stand still, does time fly by?
Does time last forever, or does time die?
Does time make sense, is time understood?
Is time all it could be, is time all it should?
Is time slow, or is it fast?
Has time come or has it passed?
Is time in Heaven, is time in Hell?
Only time will show us, only time will tell.
"My Mother's Lullaby"
For many months you carried me
Anxious Mother soon to be
Your heartbeat was my lullaby
Safe inside as time ticked by.
You waited for the day I came
And patiently I did the same
Each day that passed, I grew and grew
The time so long and yet it flew
And when I finally had arrived
Your eyes so tired yet so alive
Your heart so happy and yet you cried
Tears of Happiness, Joy and Pride
Thank you for all your pain and strife
You sacrificed to give me life
Thank you for your warm embrace
Your patient soul and loving face
You are my Mother and my Friend
And we'll be together until the end.
This is one of the first Poems I wrote...
Hey little Sparrow, sitting in the tree
Tell me what it's like to live life Free.
Hey little worm digging in the ground
Tell me what it's like to hear the Earth's sounds
Hey little fish swimming in the sea
Tell me what it's like to look up at me
Hey little turtle will you please tell
what it's like living life in a shell?
Thanks little sparrow Thank you dear
For singing your songs for me to hear
Thank You little worm, who digs down deep
For telling me what it's like to see the farmer reap
Thanks little fish with fins and a tail
For letting me know what it's like to swim with the Whale
Thank You little turtle most of all
For telling me that God will protect me when I fall
Thank You ALL, Thank You Dear
Thank You All, I'll Hold You Dear
Except for the turtle, who I love more
For what he told me... I adore
"And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures,
and let birds fly above the Earth across the expanse of 
the sky"........    And God said " Let the land
produce living creatures according to their 
kinds".......    And so it was."
Genesis 1:20 through 25
This poem was written in honor of my Great-Grandma
who fought a fierce battle with Alzheimer's Disease.
She went home to be with Jesus on
March 14, 1997
"To Die"
Everyone wants you to try and to live,
But you've gave all you can...
You've nothing left to give
You want so bad to leave and go on
We try so hard to just hang on
I want you to stay
But that's selfish of me
You wish to go...
And set your Spirit Free.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Count each day as they become your past
Hold each moment so that they'll last
Keep each tear that fills your eyes
Remember your cheer and all your surprise
Do Not forget the smiles that spread across your lips
Hold on tight to what is at your fingertips
Remember the Good and even the Bad
What makes you happy and Oh, so sad
So count the years
As they become your past
Keep your memories
So that they will last
I dedicate this poem to the girls killed in the 
Arkansas School shooting and also the girls 
that were killed in a Kentucky school shooting last fall.
It is sad that young people are so troubled
that they would take a human life.
We must pray for the victims families, but
we also must remember to pray for the souls of the accused.
"This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it"
Psalms 118:24
"I am Christ's Child"
I am in a dark room standing alone
Nothing but darkness is here to be shown
"Dear Jesus help me face what's ahead
Help strike down evil and kill it...dead"
As I stood and prayed to the Lord
An Angel came down and gave me a "Sword"
The Angel stood tall and bright
He led me through darkness and into "The Light"
Once in "The Light" my fears were gone
For the Angel was with me
He'd help me go on
I looked at the Angel
He looked at me and smiled
I was safe now, I knew
"For I am Christ's Child"
"Take the helmet of salvation and the Sword
of the Spirit, which is The Word of God"
Ephesians 6:17
"God is Light. In Him There Is No Darkness"
I John 1:5
I hope you enjoyed reading some
of my Poetry. I will add new Poems
now and then, so please check back.
Send me an E~Mail
~Poetry Page 2 Soon to come~
My Sister Emma's Page (It's about Baseball and the Titanic)
"My Mother"  This is an article I wrote about
Life with a Chronically Ill Parent
I found all my great graphics here:
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This Page copyrighted April Lane Whitaker, 1998. All Rights Reserved