La Maison des Chevaliers

La Maison des Chevaliers

La Maison des Chevaliers is a household in the Kingdom of An Tir. We are dedicated to the practice of the Arts and Sciences of Chivalric War. Our Manor and Company are located in the Southwestern region of Bavaria. Our world is in a state of change. The Holy Lands have been lost to the Armies of the Infidel, and Europe is in a continous state of war, with the emerging nations constantly fighting with each other. It is now the late Thirteenth Century, and a new age is just around the corner. The Age of Chivalry, the middle ages are at their highest, and lowest points.

I am Lord Ulf Von Greiffenburg. I am the Lord of la Maison des Chevaliers. I have been traveling these lands for the last ten years, or more. You see, I am the second son of my father, and as such, I have had to seek my fortunes abroad from my native Alps.

It was during my return to Europe from Otremere that I wandered here. Now, la Maison des Chevaliers is a reality. I set down in these pages a cronicle of the events that led to the building of the Manor and the founding of our Company. Here is our story. May it continue long after we are forgotten.

Page One / Page Two

Herr Von Greiffenburg's reality check!

La Maison des Chevaliers

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This page last updated 12/11/98