Welcome To Our Family

Please come in and stay a while...

Sit right down in that comfy chair and we will share tall tales and bits of family history. As the White Rabbit said in Alice In Wonderland,"You can't know where you are going if you don't know where you have been."

Come and meet the family
Articles of Interest
Origin of the Haselden Name - Anglo-Saxon, 1100's England
A History of Cambridgeshire - Thomas Haselden,1300's England
Haselden Legends and Lore - Four Brothers and a Ghost
Other Notable Haseldens - A Governor and an Adventurer
"Wanted: Man's Best Friend. Reward."
"Haven't we left some of the simple things behind"
"Reflections on Hemingway"
A Letter to James L. Boyd, December 20, 1862
A Bill of Sale

Sand Dollar Gallery

