Hold mouse over the graphic below. Right click on it and click, "SAVE AS". This will save it to YOUR computer! Now you are ready to go to your homepage and upload it! If you do not know how to do this I can help you!!
This graphic is for Non-Animal Volunteers:
Now for the NON-ANIMAL VOLUNTEER graphic, you need this code:
<p align=center><p><a href="/Heartland/Pointe/2868/"><img src="vbvolunteer.gif" width="140" height="125" border=0 alt="I Care..I Volunteer!!"></a></p>
Now for the ANIMAL SHELTER VOLUNTEER graphic, you need this code:
<p align=center><p><a href="/Heartland/Pointe/2868/"><img src="vpvolunteer.gif" width="140" height="125" border=0 alt="I Care..I Volunteer!!"></a></p>
Take these codes and put them on your homepage! Once you have done so please fill out this form so that I know where to find your page! I will then add you to the volunteers list!!
Is the graphic up on your HOMEPAGE??? If not do NOT fill out this form! Thank you very much!! If you need a homepage I suggest