Thank you so much for taking the time to help fill up our print pages and letting us know that you CARE!!!

W. Moss - 08/29/00 20:28:09

Thanks for the advice. It was really helpful

Athena Karsera - 08/24/00 16:26:13
Are you a volunteer?: If you need me.
What do you volunteer for?: Nothing yet I'm afraid
Do you have any adopted pets?: I used to
Do you support any animal shelters?: Yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: They are
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: If possible

I was very happy to see your web-site when looking for advice on how to treat my sick fan-tail gold fish. No one in my immediate environment could really sympathise with how upset I was. It was good to hear that there are enough people out there who feel he same.

- 06/10/00 22:07:55
Are you a volunteer?: no
Do you have any adopted pets?: 2dogs,3cats and 1 ferret
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: YES

This is a wondrful site!I have worked for an animal shelter for a few years now and it is very hard work. If it were not for the volunteers we would not be where we are today. The teen volunteers cannot be overlooked either,they work very hard and give up there time to scoop poop and walk the dogs and wash dishes.They do it because they love the animals. They also learn about why we spay & neuter all dogs & cats before they leave the shelter. And that a pet is a lifelong commitment.

Glen Johnson - 05/23/00 19:57:28
Are you a volunteer?: i want to be
Do you have any adopted pets?: i had 2 goldfish
Do you support any animal shelters?: no
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: no
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

Well i love goldfish, and one of mine was eaten tonight be a cat that my family keep. I am very upset and feel pretty guilty over it. I would like to volunteer and help out in any way i can Glen Johnson

Heather - 05/01/00 18:15:53
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

I eould like more info on this project. I live in NJ. thanks!

Joann Reagan - 01/24/00 01:25:23
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Sacramento SPCA
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes

This is a great website. We need committed volunteers everywhere. Although, it can be emotionally difficult [as today was for me at our shelter] the good far outweighs the bad. You love these animals and make their environment clean [scooping poop from cages!] you walk them to give them exercise; you socialize with them to say "it will be o.k. we'll find you a good home". I look forward to checking in on this website for more information for volunteers. I think we all need support as well. It is a di ficult job, volunteering at animal shelters, and having feedback or being able to talk to others can be comforting. Keep up the good work!

Aung Nyi Nyi Htun - 11/30/99 02:48:20
Are you a volunteer?: yew , i am .
What do you volunteer for?: every kinds of Fish
Do you have any adopted pets?: goldfish and topical fish
Do you support any animal shelters?: not yet
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: neutered
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes i do .

i love to become a volunteer for living water animals .

anish - 11/14/99 13:43:15
My URL:http://vsnl
Are you a volunteer?: no
What do you volunteer for?: goldfish
Do you have any adopted pets?: no
Do you support any animal shelters?: no
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: no
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

thank you

SUSY - 08/21/99 20:06:03
Are you a volunteer?: YES
What do you volunteer for?: ANIMAL SHELTER
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: YES
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: YES


MIKE MACK - 03/09/99 15:34:37
Are you a volunteer?: NOT YET
Do you have any adopted pets?: YES A WHIPPIT
Do you support any animal shelters?: YES
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: YES
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: YES


Karen McCaul - 01/10/99 18:13:32
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Alive and Well Animal Rescue Center, Cherokee County SC Humane Society
Do you have any adopted pets?: lots, 3 dogs (plus 2 foster) and 8 cats
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: maybe

please send me some more information thanks

sailor pluto - 11/28/98 05:12:02
Are you a volunteer?: no
What do you volunteer for?: nothing
Do you have any adopted pets?: no
Do you support any animal shelters?: no
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: no
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: no

i love ferrets but i cant get one. not right now anyways.

MJ Kneiser - 10/08/98 00:20:39
Are you a volunteer?: have been
What do you volunteer for?: Gwinnett Humane Society
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes, 9
Do you support any animal shelters?: not at this time but have
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: oh yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

I appreciate your hard work, Kathy. I volunteered from 1991 to 1996 with the Gwinnett Humane Society, primarily in cat rescue and placement. Received Humane Hero Aware in 1995 and their Mel Evers Memorial Award in 1994 for outstanding work in feline rescu . Also chaired Cat Placement from 1994 to 1995. Just moved back to Atlanta, have cat condo and can foster kittens or small dogs/puppies. I h ave a 2 bedroom apt w/one bedroom as my office/catroom so space is a bit a limited; but I'm willing to help by off ring space, care and lots of love. My phone #770-623-3044, leave message. I still live in Gwinnett.

10/04/98 11:05:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

LUCY - 09/27/98 18:19:15
Are you a volunteer?: NO
Do you have any adopted pets?: NO-WHAT DOES THIS MEEN?
Do you support any animal shelters?: NO I'M 2 YOUNG
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: YES
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: YES


Cathy Griffin - 07/20/98 21:08:18
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: ferret rescue
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes 2 ferrets
Do you support any animal shelters?: all...but none directly
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

I volunteer for intermediate ferret rescue. If a ferret is found I foster the fuzzies for up to two weeks while the owner is being located. After this period of time, if the owner is not found, I turn the fuzzie over to an official Ferret Shelter/Rescue I hate to do this! Fortunately I have not had to do this through strong efforts to finding the owner! We have been a success!

Claire Heebner - 07/16/98 02:42:41
Are you a volunteer?: Not yet
Do you have any adopted pets?: I hope to adopt a ferret
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: Yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: Yes

I am 15 and in High School, working as a vollenteer is always wanted, but I wanted to do something that that I actually enjoy, which is handling animals, I have always wanted a ferret and it would be a dream come true to work with them as well as help the Anxious to know how I can help Claire Heebner Basking Ridge NJ 07920

robin oss - 05/26/98 02:39:15
My URL:http://madning
Are you a volunteer?: yes


Jeremy Gallen - 05/25/98 15:03:47
Are you a volunteer?: No
What do you volunteer for?: Nothing
Do you have any adopted pets?: Yes
Do you support any animal shelters?: No
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: Yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: No

Nice page you have here. Come see mine, sign my guestbook, keep coming back, and tell at least two of your friends about my page. Thank you very much. Jeremy Gallen

Cynthia - 05/22/98 15:32:41
Are you a volunteer?: no
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes


Michelle Keys - 05/19/98 01:29:50
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Durham County Animal Shelter
Do you have any adopted pets?: Yes
Do you support any animal shelters?: Yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: Yes--even my show quality German Wirehaired Pointer
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: Yes

I was really interested in how you set up your web page. I have been appointed to set up the web page for our shelter and i am not quite sure how to do it. I have some books and am going throught them right now, but i may have some questions. I also li e that you have a web page that volunteers can use to see what is going on. I have forwarded your address to the director and volunteer coordinator of my shelter. I think that they will be really interested.

Francine - 05/17/98 03:27:26
Are you a volunteer?: Yes
What do you volunteer for?: Oakland SPCA, Oakland, CA
Do you have any adopted pets?: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 4 rabbits
Do you support any animal shelters?: Yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: You bet!
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: Yes


Trudy C - 05/13/98 05:24:35
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Florence Oregon Humane Society
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes - 2 cats
Do you support any animal shelters?: I help with the web pages for the above shelter. I also volunteer in the cattery when I am in town (the shelter is in a different town than the one I live in).
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: perhaps

Interesting concept. I'm interested to see where it goes. Unfortunately, since I'm not a regular volunteer at the shelter I support, I don't have ready access to what happens on a daily basis. However, I will be passing on the URL for this site to othe s who volunteer at the shelter.

Jeannine Tucker - 05/12/98 19:39:01
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: I foster care for shelter kitties when they have over flow and I help them with adoptions.
Do you have any adopted pets?: I have 8 cats, 2 dogs, and 3 rabbits all from the shelter plus 7 foster cats and 8 kittens up for adoption.
Do you support any animal shelters?: I have my own organization that raises money for the shelter I volunteer with and to help out those who foster care.
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: Of coarse!!!!!!!
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: Yes, I do


Tony Lenzo - 05/05/98 22:16:05
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Goldfish Sanctuary
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: na
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: I am!

The Goldfish Sanctuary now proudly displays your icon on its main page! Thanks again!

Kim Rushing & Stan Sikorski - 04/17/98 01:52:47
Are you a volunteer?: Yes!
What do you volunteer for?: We run a non-profit, no kill ferret shelter in Manahawkin, NJ
Do you have any adopted pets?: Thirteen ferrets & three cats
Do you support any animal shelters?: Yes, we run a private shelter for ferrets
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: All of them. Stop needless euthenasia!
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: Yes

Thank you for a wonderful site, we're proud to have the volunteer award at our site. If everyone volunteered for something they found worthwhile, this world would be such a better place. Do something, make a difference.

John Hafer - 04/04/98 00:37:08
Are you a volunteer?: Yes
What do you volunteer for?: The League for Animal Welfare in Cincinnati
Do you have any adopted pets?: Yes 12
Do you support any animal shelters?: Yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: Yes all of them
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: already am

We need to let people know how many wonderful pets thier are in shelters. All of mine are recues.

Kelly Bergeron - 03/20/98 02:49:44
My Email:ladybug11@worldnet.att
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Lafayette animal aid
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes, I adopted her from the shelter she had a broken leg that had to be amuptated
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes all four of them are spayed
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: yes

I love what I do with the animals. They are all sweat and have their on very special personalities.

Heather - 03/19/98 06:12:44
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: animals
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes, 8
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes

Cathy, Great job on the pages! I'm looking foreward to chatting on IRC, and to seeing more of your handywork with the Volunteers site.

Kathy - 03/16/98 20:36:37
Are you a volunteer?: yes
What do you volunteer for?: Pets In Need
Do you have any adopted pets?: yes (2)
Do you support any animal shelters?: yes
Are your pets spayed or neutered?: yes
Do you want to be a Volunteers Member?: hee hee I am one

Just checking to make sure this works all!

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