Welcome to Drew's Home Page

Drew was born, Andrew Chandler Purvis, at Trinity Medical Center in Carrollton, Texas, at 7:37 p.m., April 8, 1998. He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces, and he was 20 3/4 inches long. We are dedicating this website to him, and plan to add pictures and special events of his life on here for him to see as he grows.
Here is Drew when he was 22 months old. He is 6 years old now - (April, 2004).

To view other moments in Andrew's life, click in the table below.

First Pics
**Drew's First Pics**
First Adventures
**First Adventures**
Drew and Uncle Luke
**Drew and Uncle Luke**
Two Months Old
**Two Month Old Pics**
Ball Reunion, '98
**Ball Reunion '98**
First Prof. Pics
**First Professional Pics -
5 Months**
Six Months Old
**Six Months Old**
My First Christmas
My First Christmas '98
17 Months Old
**17 Months Old**
Homecoming Parade
**Homecoming Parade -
18 Months Old**
Thanksgiving 1999
**Thanksgiving 1999**
2nd Christmas '99
**2nd Christmas '99**
22 Months Old
**22 Months Old**
Drew is 2
Two Years Old
Uncle Luke - May, 2000
Uncle Luke - May, 2000
Website Dedication
Grandma's B-day, Aug. 2000
**Grandma's B-day, 2000**
Mom is Certified
**Mom is Certified!**
Drew's Karate Class
Drew's Karate Class, 2002
Grandma's New Puppy
Grandma's New Puppy - May, 2002
Fun at Grandmas
Fun at Grandmas - Sept, 2003
Welcome Vincent
Welcome our new brother, Vincent

Jesus Loves Me This I Know For the Bible Tells Me So

Please sign Drew's Guestbook and tell him you stopped by!!

Post a Message in My Guestbook!

If you want, you can e-mail me, my mom, Sarah, or my Grandma, Pam, by clicking here.

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Come back soon for more of the life of Andrew.