Christian Prayer & Intercession
Most of the pages regarding this topic will be adaptations from books
written by various authors; I lack the expertise and experience to come
forth with any other substantial ideas. A reference is provided. Please
take time to review the site and comments are definitely welcome!
As at the last update, I've only managed to compile a cover page for
this section. Any suggestions
as to what should go in?
Prayer Ministry
Unofficial Ministry site for Full Gospel Assembly Perth, Western Australia.
(This section located at a sister
site on a server )
Partners In Prayer (HPIP)
Come join us in praying for GeoCitizens and others in need!
Here is the reason why HPIP exists, the people on the Prayer
List. Have a read, and maybe you might want to join us in prayer for
these dear ones!
Agape (Youth) Ministry
A short intro into who we are and what we do...
List of events in and around Full Gospel Assembly Perth
Link to the Official Agape homepage.
A Profile Of Myself
Who I am, what I look like.
What I do, where I study, my interests.
Food for thought: stuff I've written.
My Testimony Of Salvation
A long-winded story of how I came to accept Jesus Christ into my life
and what He's carried me through.
and Feedback
Help me improve my page!
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My Guestbook
