Welcome to the CyberPalace of Zoe the Purry Princess

Ballet Cat Extraordinairre!

Hello ! I am Zoe ! I am a tortoiseshell/calico-with-white princess living with my sister Axel, and my people Ann & Ross, in Melbourne, Australia.
Here I am playing in a bag, last year when I was just a little girl...
I picked out Ann & Ross after watching them with Axel at the Lort Smith Animal Shelter in November 1996 when we were 2 months old...
Axel just jumped up and poked them right away but I like to sit back and evaluate everything, so I watched for a bit first.

Then I decided they were pretty ok, and also if I didn't go too, who would keep an eye on Axel? She is so impulsive and silly sometimes! She really must be kept in line and looked after! So I announced loudly that I would go along too.

Axel has her own page too. Click to go there, below! I love Axel very much even if she is klutzy sometimes and a little piggy.
I like bags and boxes. But even more, I like ladders and things to climb on and balance onI like to walk across the backs of the dining chairs, and on the laundry rack, and up on the TOP of the bookcase.
I also like to LEAP high in the air.

And here is MY show picture - I won some prizes in the Feline-L virtual cat shows too, and not only that - !! I won the "Spectator's Choice" award in 1997 - from everyone who visited the page voting for MEEEEE, ZOE!!!! I am the People's Cat Princess!!! The show was sponsored by Feline'L's Emergency Fund for kitties who need help. Here is my ribbon!

Here are things I like to do:

  • Catch bugs,
  • climb up high,
  • sit on the bicycle,
  • jump and leap,
  • play with Marty, the remote-control mouse BOO! sent me from America for my Xmas paw present! I let Axel play with him sometimes too.

    Here are some things I have been in previous lives:

    • a ballerina,
    • a Brazilian soccer player - Ann says she can tell, because I leap and twist SO high to bat and catch things! and I butt the balloon around the room with my head!
    • a trapeze artist and tightrope walker.

    More things I like:

    • to curl up next to Ross's face when he is sleeping and put my arm across his face so he will wake up and rub my stomach,
    • purr on people's arms,
    • figure everything out!
    • sleep on the ironing board
    • balance on the backs of chairs

    I am very clever and while Axel just runs into everything helter skelter I watch and work out how to do everything! I am the one who works out how to open the unopened packs of Whisker Lickins and Pounce!!!

    Here is my Very First Award for MY OWN PAGE! I got it from the obviously Very klever kitty kommittee of Dylan, Blue, Jet & Fuzzbutt Anders!! I'm sure it is the First Award of Many (more than Axel's!) that I shall be awarded!
    (You can see AND hear these klever kitties here!)

    Links to other sites on the Web

    Go to Axel's Page!
    Back to our home page!

    (I bet more people visit MEEEEE than Axel!! I am the purry princess!)

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