April 21 1998!!!

Paul F. Yergin is 75!!!!

15 minutes of fame 4 U !!??! :-))

"When proud-pied April, dress'd in all his trim, Hath put a spirit of youth in everything." (Sonnet xcviii).

It's a long way from 1923 to today!

"Full many a glorious morning have I seen" (Sonnet xxxiii)

Take Axel's advice and don't look backwards
except to reflect on the good food (I MEAN, "GOOD TIMES"!!!) (Paul sailing in upstate NY, about 1978)

(Axel says, But don't good times always involve good food??!!) and the good treats (er, I mean, "Friends & family & fun"!)

(Paul & Eunice, NYC, about 1947)
(Paul & Eunice in Arizona 1997)
(Paul & Eunice with my sister Susan & brother-in-law Kuskaye in Arizona)

  • Be finicky. They'll try harder to please you.
  • Give attitude. Get attention
  • If you don't like your presents, sulk
  • Never tell your age.
  • If you get bored at your party, just curl up for a nap.
  • Don't stress out over your first gray whisker.
  • Act completely unimpressed by the presents you receive.
  • Paws and reflect on what life has given you.
  • Remember, this is your day, so if anyone bugs you you're allowed to hiss and spit.
  • Take the day off and lie in the sun.
  • Demand only the most expensive fresh fish for dinner.
  • It's a good day to shed your inhibitions.
  • Act catty.
  • Toy with your presents before you tear them open.
  • Spend some quality time in the litter box.
  • Don't overdo it with the catnip or you'll regret it in the morning.
  • If you aren't getting enough attention, sharpen yours claws on somebody's leg.
  • Don't let anything or anyone put you out.
  • And remember, curiosity might kill you, but birthdays won't. (Paul in Sydney, Australia, 1997)

    (Ross & Ann with Paul & Eunice within Melbourne, Australia 1997)

    : Say Happy Birthday to Paul! l!


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    Have a Great Day and an even better YEAR!!! Love from Ann & Ross
    (Here's to you! from daughter Ann) (and the Aussie son-in-law-2B Ross!)

    and Grandkitties Axel & Zoe

    visitors have stopped in to see you so far!

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