This is the home page of ProMom.
On this site, you will find information about me, my family,my home and links to our favourite sites.
ProMom - I'm a stay at home Mom of 3 great girls and one very handsome little boy.
When I have a few free minutes I try to spend time with my family. I also enjoy reading, sketching and painting, playing the piano and singing. I love to swimming & do just about any outdoor activity, especially hiking and camping.
I will read or watch just about anything that is Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action, Comedy and Horror :). Don't PUT me in the same room with a romance novel, show or movie. GAG! I LOVE Hockey (played ball hockey in University), motor cross, motor cycle races, horse back riding or watching horse racing and baseball. My Fav TV shows are CSI, Third Watch, oh heck, anything like that, Trading Spaces or any home improvement not just decorating shows. I also love any nature or science shows. National Geographic is one of my fav's.
To get back into shape after having 4 children, I do yoga, Tai Chi, swimming and aerobics. I plan on getting back into some weight lifting as well, but not till I'm more toned. I am also seriously into healthy eating, tho I DO enjoy the occassional cheese burger or pizza :P.
I play MOH online with a pretty good bunch a guys on the FBI clan server. I'm known there as Taz. You can take a look at their site at FBI Clan Site. It's a great place and if your into online gaming, they run what are probably the best servers on the go.
I also LOVE target shooting. I used to hunt years ago before I had the kids, but my kids would KILL me if I shot anything now LOL. They are all gonna be members of GreenPeace I'm sure LOL. I prefer rifles & shotguns for target shooting and I am pretty good if I do say so myself *G*. I don't own a gun 'cause of the kids, but I plan on getting a nice rifle once they are all older & start going back to the range again. I also like the British Long Bow and the cross bow.
My favourite superhero's are Spiderman, BatMan, Wolverine and, believe it or not, Wonder Woman LOL.
You now know about as much about me as anyone LOL.
J.B.Dix - My DH. A.K.A "Daaaaaadddddddddy!" *G*. J.B.Dix is my DH's (dear hubby) MOH nick. In his free time he enjoys reading, playing MOH, watching Robot Wars , Third Watch, CSI or any other of that genre of TV show. J.B. & I are very much alike in our tastes of reading or viewing material :). He can also be found working on our rusting hulk of a van, or playing with his kiddies.
Here are 2 quickie web sites he threw together to show some of the,, ummm, interesting winter weather we get here in Newfie :). Winter 2000-2001 and Winter 2002-2003.
CS - AGE: 10 Years
The oldest of our 4 children. She started grade 5 this fall and absolutely LOVES it. Her favourite things to do are play with her siblings or friends, draw, play online, read, watch science shows and drive her Mom nuts *G*. She also loves learning.
Her favourite TV show's are Emergency Vets, ANY nature show, esp Crocodile Hunter , Kratts Creatures, Zaboomafoo or Jeff Corwin. Arthur, X Men, Lizzie McGuire, Jackie Chan Adventures (Actually ANYTHING Jackie Chan LOL) and most other *big kid* cartoons. CS also plays MOH online & is known as Lil'Taz. She is also a Blue Belt in Kenpo Karate, soon to be tested for brown belt, which is only 1 level below Black Belt. She plays basketball, is on her schools Cross Country Running team and is a pretty good swimmer :).
CE - AGE: 7 Years
She is my little nut. She is a real practical joker. She has grown up quote a lot. She loves to do magic tricks, play with her siblings, look after our many pets & is a Green Belt in Kenpo Karate. She is also joining her schools drama club, which is PERFECT for her as she is 100% clown LOL. She love Lizzie McGuire, The Amanda Show , almost all the same shows as her big sis, especially if it's funny :).
CM - AGE: 6 Years
The youngest of our girls. CM is a real little spitfire. She has a hot temper & isn't afraid of showing it. She is also one of the most determined people I've ever seen. When she gets something into her head, not much is going to stop her. She is also one of the sweetest children you could ever meet. As well, she is a white belt in Karate (soon to be tested for her yellow belt). She isn't a big sports girl,, she's PURE Diva LOL. She adore Barbie, Diva Stars & prefers girlie shows :).
JA - AGE: 4.5 Years.
AKA Toad. He is our little boy. He is the most idle child ever put on God's green earth! He is 100% PURE evil & enjoys NOTHING more than making you jump, squeal or be totally grossed out. We call him "Mini Jim Carey" as he is a serious overactor LOL. He too is in Kenpo Karate. He only just started so is barely a white belt :). His favourite shows are X-Men, Spiderman, Justice League, Rescue Hero's, Dora the Explorer and Jackie Chan Adventures.
Other Family Members -
Shadow - D.O.B June 2000
Our dog. He is a big ol' Black Lab. He is a great dog & will let the kids do nearly anything to him :).
Rainbow - D.O.B 2002
We rescued her last summer after she was abandoned in Pippy Park where he works. She was half starved when we brought her home. After we cleaned her up and got her back in health, she has become one of the sweetest kitties :).
Wild Thing- D.O.B. 2002
He is my fraidy cat. He was rescued along with Rainbow in Pippy Park. We found him crying out, lying next to the body of his dead twin. Someone had just dumped them in the park to die. They were only about 4-5 weeks old. I don't know what happened to him, but he is a nervous wreck. However that hasn't stopped him from getting to be a 17lb MONSTER kitty LOL.
To add to the mahem here, Rainbow reproduced. To the tune of 6 kittens LOL. We found a home for one kitten, Simba, but we are left with 5.
Miss Mosi - DOB July 11, 2003
She is the oldest of the kittens. that is what Mosi means,, it's Swahili for "First Born". She IS a character. Full of badness & always into mischief :). She's a tortose shell/calico color.
Gia - DOB July 11, 2003
She is my oldest girls favourite. She too is a tortise shell/calico color, but is seriously FLUFFY LOL. She is sweet & gentle, but has a thing about attacking your legs LOL.
Panda - DOB July 11, 2003
He is the love of my second oldest daughter. I'm not sure how to describe him. He's grey & white stripes and ALSO fluffy LOL. Not sure why he was called Panda,,, but she loves him to bits :).
Koda - DOB July 12, 2003
She was given to my youngest girl for her 6th birthday. She's a typical black & white kitten, but is very gentle & loving :).
Azizi Miracle - DOB July 12, 2003
He is our special baby. His name is Swahili for Prescious Miracle. He was brain damaged when he was 2 weeks old. His mama moved him & then kinda forgot about him & didn't nurse him. It was over 100F temp that day & he got severely dehydrated. The vet managed to save him, but he hasn't been the same since. He is nearly blind, and is only 1/2 the size of his siblings, but he is such a sweet little thing & my son is TOTALLY in love with him. He's his "Best Buddy", so,, whatcha gonna do?? He's a soft taffy & white color.
We also have a Hamster called "Tiny Snowflake" and 4 goldfish and a Beta.
Pets that have gone over the Rainbow Bridge are:
Cats: Bootsy, Spanky, Mishap, Kopy Kat, Scratch
Hamsters: Snowball, Popcorn, Mrs. Popcorn
And a small ton of goldfish & 3 beta.
Notes on Newfoundland
Take a look at Kids Stuff ( Links to my kids favourite sites )
Pics of Newfoundland
Pictures of My Family
Password protected FAMILY ALBUM
If you have any comments, suggestions, etc, you can email me at : promom@geocities.com