Images and Graphics
This is Sammy, a very special Rainbow Angel that belonged to a friend of mine. His image was enhanced with a graphics software program.
We all want the best graphics on our pages, especially when they are of our beloved cats, but we don't know how to go about it. For this reason there are programs to help you enhance your pictures, change them, add highlights, delete that arm or foot that got in the way, and in general just make them better.
I never knew Sammy, but I fell in love with him the first time I saw a picture of him. How could anyone resist this face? Thanks to Diane's imaging, she has kept Sammy alive in her heart and mine with her beautiful graphics. She uses several programs and offers you links to the program sites. The above image is one of my favorites but you can see for yourself what you can do by visiting her Image site. At times whimsical and other times serene, Diane's images never cease to make me smile.