Sarah - 11/24/00 05:21:03
My URL:http://www.binarystarz.com
My Email:Binary Starz
Hey! Great site you've got here! I'll be checking back regularly. And if you'd like, you can visit mine too. Thanks, Sarah
Rhonda - 09/24/00 04:32:22
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/Mrs_Smittys/home.html
My Email:Mrs. Smitty's
Hi Fran.. I love the way you have everything set up here... so easy to navigate! Your cards are beautiful..you are a very talented lady. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

Season - 09/11/00 21:02:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/5430
My Email:Season's Place
I love your cards! Especially the kitty cat ones. Beautiful.
Page - 09/10/00 04:23:49
My URL:http://www.pagespearls.net
My Email:Page's Pearls
Your website is gorgeous and the Calling Cards simply enchanting. Thank you so much for caring and sharing your marvelous talent. You are an angel. Hugs, Page
Jana - 07/16/00 23:57:36
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/countrybits/countrybits2.html
Joan - 06/14/00 13:09:15
My URL:http://everlastingbears.tripod.com
My Email:Everlasting Bears
I have just discovered Victorian calling cards and want to use them but am having trouble putting them into guestbooks. They are just wonderful if I could use them. Your graphics are beautiful
Debbie - 05/20/00 23:21:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cofeebean5/DebbiesGarden.html
My Email:Debbie's Garden Of Words
You have a very nice webhome. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and plan to use some of your calling cards...*smile*

Katt(Tina) - 03/16/00 22:54:20
My URL:http://memberpage.women.com/family/brattkatt/index.html
My Email:A Little Bit of My World
Hi Fran, I love your site and especially love the cat cards ;)I'll be visiting often !!

- 03/14/00 15:50:49
Lady Bob - 02/25/00 06:45:27
I had a wonderful visit and I am glad I came. I saw your post in the TRG forum and was delighted with the cats. Wonderful site and tomorrow I will finish what I did not see. So much to see.
Thank you for sharing
Pam - 02/25/00 01:47:28
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~pb1960
My Email:Pam's Place
Wonderful site! Welcome to the Calling Card Ring!

Celia - 02/25/00 00:07:11
My URL:http://martinseclectic.virtualave.net/
My Email:Martin's Eclectic Adventures
Welcome to the Calling Card Ring! Love the cat cards!

Barbie - 02/24/00 23:06:56
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~bar2bj/index.html
My Email:BJ's Web World
I love your cards...Welcome to the Web Ring.. I will be back as I love to see what other cards you come up with...

John - 02/24/00 22:50:23
My URL:http://darkelf.itgo.com/
My Email:Dark Elf's Realm
I love the kitty cats. Welcome to CCR.
The border roses are to die for...yummmy!

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