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My Military Man
My husband Jody is currently a Specialist in the US Army and is stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington. Before going into the army Jody was in the Marine Corps and left the Corps as a Sergeant. He was in the Corps for just over 8 years ... 4 years active duty and 4 years in the reserves. Right out of boot camp Jody was sent to the Middle East and was in the Gulf War. He did a little bit of everything in the four years he was in...from the Gulf War and helping in relief efforts in Bangledesh to patrolling the streets of LA during the LA riots (remember Rodney King??) He has had the chance to visit some great places...Hawaii, the Soloman Islands, Okinawa, Japan, and Australia.
For more info on Jody's military career and our life in the Army please come and visit Rowan's Military Home.
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